Beman if I may ask
What is your meal time you set for your chameleon….ive read it’s bad to change it’s feeding times or if you feed them at different times
and it’s best to set a time for them to eat…is this correct or wrong..
Thank you Beman I truly appreciate all the help and great advice and with this I shall try to do my part to help my little cham live as many years as possible ….thank you
Thank you and more than a pleasure to meet you…I sure will post pics of my little man as he developed to become a full adult I can’t wait to see his inner colors
I see that he’s about to start cheering or he already has begun the process
I see his left eye already seems to be shedding…what’s a good way I may assist him
That’s dope lol….natural tree branches
Thank you
I’ll look around and see for any laying around to pick up and wash clean…what about the wood usually used for iguanas if I’m not mistaken it’s the driftwood looking ones I believe I have some in my enclosure as well
Thank you so much….i feel as when I get my bigger enclosure it’ll be a lot easier to create the same or a bout the same habitat for my cham….love the work and dedication……not sure if this is a stupid question but where did you get the branches ?
Thank you thank you thank you
This information is more than great
The dripper I usually have it dripping non stop over my live plants and when I mist I usually do it till my hand begins to cramp or roughly close to a minute since my enclosure isn’t as bigg
I mist 15 min after and before my...
Alrighty then…..
Here we go…
Type of chameleon is veiled chameleon also known as many other names..not sure about his age but on one of my previous posts Ive had someone maybe roughly estimate it to be between 4-6 months old….it is a male…and Rango has been in my care for a month and 12/13 days...
Thank you for the beautiful vital information…
His color scheme really is coming inn nicely and well as long as I can still keep him small and watch him grow that’s all I care about ….when I bought him he was as big as my finger….I’ve only had him for a solid month and a few days now I bought...
That’s nice
One thing I do know is I cherish every moment…’s nice to see all that effort and struggle we tend to keep the chams happy and imitate their habitat and see it all pay off