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  1. C

    Please help

    Please fill this form in and please provide pics of your set up. Personally 10.0 is to much, 5.0 is fine for chameleons and the falling issue could be gutloading and supplimentation issues. EDIT: I saw you are using D3 everyday, to much D3, using calcium without D3 everyday, calcium with D3...
  2. C

    fallen vieled

    What's your supplimentation and gutloading like?
  3. C

    What pets do you own?

    1 Red Bar Panther Chameleon 1 Veiled Chameleon 1 Bearded Dragon 1 Chinease Water Dragon 1 Corn Snake 1 Royal Python 2 Jack Russell Terriers 1 Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  4. C

    New to the forums and thinking about getting a chameleon

    Welcome to Chameleon Forums :) Panther chameleons are a good first chameleon. I recommend you click these links in these threads to get you started on basic care, suppliments etc
  5. C

    Cpt Kirk no longer a virgin!

    Congrats Kirk, I bet they are gonna make some epic babies :D
  6. C

    Thank You ALL so much <3

    I haven't been a member here for about a year or just under and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who's always answered my questions and given me advice when I first started out keeping chams. I think you're all awesome :D Emma XxX
  7. C


    As camimon said, he may or he may not. Veileds tend to be grumpy anyway but for me personally I love their attitides LMAO Mine won't hand feed and goes for me and I just allow him to cup feed. If you need to handle him for cleaning, vets etc, you could try gloves if you are nervous about...
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    How often should I change the paper towels on the bottom of my cage?

    I use reptile carpet and change every few days and just throw it in the dryer. I don't like using paper towels or even newspaper as it turns to mush.
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    How Long Without UVB??

    FFS guys, can people answer questions on this forum WITHOUT making a argument out of things?
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    How Long Without UVB??

    I live in the UK and we are known for not getting much sun ;) I use the repashy calcium plus.
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    How Long Without UVB??

    Thanks. First time I've had a strip light go. Luckily I still have the receipt, only had it for 3 months
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    How Long Without UVB??

    How long can chams do without UVB before causing issues? My panthers strip light decided to blow this afternoon and won't be able to get a replacement until Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Will he be ok?
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    Monty at 8 months!

    Miss Lily I am officially in love with Monty <3 he's adorable. Happy Birthday Monty <3
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    My How You've Grown (Veiled)

    They do and he's got one hell of a attitude but I love it LMAO he's such a pig as well :D
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    My How You've Grown (Veiled)

    I've had my new baby veiled for over a month now and OMG he's grown so much since he arrived 23rd of March :o He's grown from this (Link is his first pics) To this (Pic attached) Can't wait until he's an adult. Sorry I couldn't get...
  16. C

    Chameleon Emotion

    I wouldn't say any animal is stupid, I think animals are more intelligent than humans and believe me I've met a handful of humans who I would consider stupid throughout my life and would have a animal anyday LMAO I wouldn't compare them to a dog are a cat but I believe a chameleon can...
  17. C

    Warm water to mist ?

    Yes they still drink if it's warm :) I just fill the misting bottle up by hand with hot water and comes out warm. Cold water can startle them, if you use warm water, they tolerate being sprayed on them directly better.
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    panther colours where do they come

    He will show them, don't worry. Some take longer than others. Sometimes it can take at least 2 years of age to show FULL coloration :)
  19. C

    Happy Hatch Day Sebastian

    Well it's my panther Cham, Sebastian hatch day today. A big boy at 1 year old :D He's the sweetest Cham ever, never bit me or hisses, loves coming out of his cage.
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    Baby veiled sleeps all day? No movement

    A 5.0 is better and more recommended than a 10.0. The person you got him from should have told you this, sounds to me the seller didn't have knowledge him/herself :( A reptisun linear bulb is better. can't really recommend fixtures as I'm in the UK and will be different than the US. As for...
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