Thanks, yes I'm working on that but it have to wait till next week so i have some $$$ lol i'll put some vines and a hibiscus or a ficus maybe. Yes! he/she is a veiled :) so cute with his little veil lol. I think I'm in love.
Here's my little one... god him/her 4/11/13 so... he/she is with me like for 4 days!
Still little like 2 inches... dunno how old is he/she.. maybe 2-3 months right?
i can't wait him/her to grow... is so tiny that im concerned that he/she can be lost in her/his cage... lol
Hope I can help you more but I'm still learning too and is a little difficult also because my first language is Spanish :D but welcome to the cham's world!
Here some link that you may read aswell it will help you a lot! https://www.chameleonforums.com/care/caresheets/panther/ i'm new too and reading at the forum links helps a lot! I'm from Puerto Rico so Im using a 25W bulbs UVA and UVC not basking because mine is a baby so he dont need too much...
I'm still searching for a person who sale worms... the guy who sales me crickets sales also zophoba worms, but he only sells wholesale. I bought 500 pinheads for $20 because is the only person around here who sales pinheads. He also sales 1,000 for $30 and the same with the worms.
I think...
Yeah I use a Spray Calcium suplement and i put it for 20 minutes outside on my hand and we chill and get some D vitamin both :). Then some UVB... I'll going to make one cup tomorrow... it work with pinheads also?
I'm not sure if he/she is 2-3 months old (the breeder said that but wasnt sure...
But i read that if you use the cup feeder... you're not giving him/her the chance to exercise himself and will have problems with the MBD. Remember mine is 2 or 3 months old.. he/she is tiny!
I'll do it tomorrow when he's awake but do you think is ok to raise him/her by the tail? i dont want him to stress but he seems really good when i put him on my finger and go outside with him to take some sun :D he always have that light green and close it eyes and just chill on my finger... but...
I used a "chicken wire" 36"x 5' from Home Depot, then I put around "plastic screen" so he dont get trhough the big holes. Yes I build a door and also put around plastic screen on it.
Yes i still dont know if is he or she.. hes too tiny i think is he well i called him Pascal like rapunzel's cham...
Pascal is really happy.. (i think... he/she was sleeping on a leaf) :D
I'll update tomorrow about how he/she is doing
Here some pics of my creation (newbie cham owner and newbie making this cages... i am tired! but I'm happy.
Is 17" x 36"... for now is ok... my uncle is going to make...
Is there any link with cup feeding instructions? I'll going to read that links right now Sandrachameleon, Thanks!.
Thanks guys for your help im a first timer chameleon owner :D (you probably already knew it)
I have a 2- 3 months Veiled cham. I was told to give him 7 to 8 pinheads daily then i read in here that have to be like 20-25 pinheads. I fed him in two rounds this day. Morning like 10 am i gave him 11 pinheads and after noon I gave him 11 more and only ate 6.
Idk if I'm doing it right. Also...
I'm also confuse because mine veiled is soo tiny yet so im not sure if he'll/she'll be cool in that "giant" cage or if he/she be able to hunt her/his pinheads
What is the best wood to built a screened cage with wood? Hope can help me. Cheaper better. Also is this a good size? 24" x 24" x 48' for a veiled cham?
right now he's two or three months old but i have him in an aquarium! (yes i know is bad for him but i have nothing else right now)
Thanks Sandra and Carol thanks... the person who give it to me said that he was giving him/her 7- 10 pinheads but i was thinking the same i'll give him/her the amount that you say.
Also how can i count the pinheads? where i can put them. I dont know if a "normal" cage for crickets like the...
No he/she just have moss and plants. Just a common 20 gallons aquarium with screen lid (im working on another all-screen cage) i have him there because he's too tiny. And for feeding him I'm giving him/her 7 to 10 pinhead crickets with calcium supplement.
there's two photos from Facebook
Thanks for the link Decadancin and Thanks to your advices ChamaleonsbyVanGogh. I'm actually using a combo uvb uva lights 25W from Exo terra. Im from a tropical island so is not to difficult for me to keep the humidity and temperature in the correct place. Now is 70% humidity and 80 degrees...