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  1. Lil nasty

    cricket keeper

    i have that cricket keeper with the tubes coming out of the top that the crickets hide in. im worried that the veggies and stuff i put in there areant getting to the crickets because they all hide in the tubes. Do u think they make their way out or just stay in there till they get fed off? what...
  2. Lil nasty

    Bob is taking over!!! Extended set-up pics

    Did his personality or aggression change like some people have said? Was he aggressive before or anything prior to letting him climb out? Thanks!
  3. Lil nasty

    Why does he keep trying to eat branches??

    My guy has done that, probly wants some veggies, put some leafy green in the branches, my guy notices the difference and will eat it out the branches
  4. Lil nasty

    Bob is taking over!!! Extended set-up pics

    Has he got going in and out of cage down?
  5. Lil nasty


    He was just starting his shed, first time seeing it happen. Thanks
  6. Lil nasty


    About how often do chameleons shed? Is little spots of shed ok? Thanks
  7. Lil nasty

    Insect Dusting Technique

    Ziplock bags for each supplement, I put in supplement then rub it around till it coats the walls of bag, so there is none loose cause when there is loose powder it always coats them too much shake then just put them in the corner of bag , cup my hand under em and flip bag then throw in feeder...
  8. Lil nasty

    How automated is your set-up?

    I was joking about my knex auto feeder in the earlyer post lol, didn't kno if anyone ever rigged sumthing up
  9. Lil nasty

    How automated is your set-up?

    I'll one up everyone with my automated bug dispenser made out of knex
  10. Lil nasty

    one month old veil

    just an update on my lil guy, he's eating like a mad man, goin to pet store every other day seems like for 50 crickets. he's got the cup feeding down good, got all supplements, and heres a pic!
  11. Lil nasty

    whats the best light for a water dragon?

    i know they have like the 5.0 and 10.0 ect but whats best for them? thanks
  12. Lil nasty

    Sacramento reptile show 2010

    I got mine from the Asian people lol, that had the big chams climbing on their lights above
  13. Lil nasty

    Sacramento reptile show 2010

    I got my lil guy there 2, don't remember then name of booth tho, they said one month, i got the smallest ones, but he's gettin big fast, I'd prob say 2months by now
  14. Lil nasty

    am i missing something..

    why isnt there a place on here that has an area to post things by ur area? like links for all the states. then in the link u can post things? i saw the social group link but theres nothing there that i saw and i didnt see a way to create a group?? i think itd be cool to meet people locally.. ya...
  15. Lil nasty

    few random q's

    1-2 month old veiled. had 1.5 weeks 1.) i live in sacramento, like window open sometimes and fan on sometimes in my room, not sure how cold it gets in here with changing weather, i have a red infared night light. use it or no? ive read dont use it and do.. i just feel like hes gona get cold...
  16. Lil nasty

    one month old veil

    so i found the normal routine schedule for mostly calcium with no d3 then 2 times a month with d3 and 2 times for multivitamin.. should this schedule be used on a younger chameleon? thought i read sumwhere once more d3 when younger? cant find a no d3 powder at local pet store, guess ill have to...
  17. Lil nasty


    Do they smell it? How do they know to go eat it?
  18. Lil nasty

    one month old veil

    So when I got my chameleon I was given a little white tub with a pink label of reptile-cal calcium with d3 and told to use it sumthing like 4 times a week, and a tub of reptile-cal blue label multivitamin and told once a week. After reading on here their is a conflict of information. So I guess...
  19. Lil nasty

    one month old veil

    i think he's doin good, after work 2day i put sum crickets in his feeder dish, a lil plastic dish in the branches, he came over and ate a couple, he's shedding and i saw a big poop at the bottom so everything looks good. thanks everyone, everyones chameleons in their avatars look awesome also...
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