LOL! same here, cant wait for spring!!
I hate it when they give me that pitiful look, then they give up, and just give me the stink eye!! :rolleyes:
How cold does it get there in TX?
So I like to leave my front door open on sunny days to let in more light.
Had my back to the door, talking to Peanut, my youngest panther:
" Hi peanuuuut, howz my pretty booooy, is ooo hungeeee, does ooo what
a yummy wormie, ooo does, well my doodness, is him a pretty boyyyyy, him is, yes...
So yesterday, all 5 of my guyz wanted to come out of their cages at the same time!!
I have a complex overhead free range that they love.
It's weird, when I am several feet from their cages, they just sit on their basking branches and chill, but when I get close, and start talking to them...
Comments from another Marylander :)
As already said, jax like lots of water, they also like a lot of space.
A large screen cage, well packed with vines and such will make him happy.
The biggest problem with jax is keeping them hydrated.
I recommend an automated rain system instead of...
Hi and welcome to the forum :)
Please also post a few pics of your cham and setup.
If your in the East US, this time of year it's hard to keep humidity and temps right. I have to do extra misting because the house heat sucks all the moisture out of the air. That creates shedding problems...
I would never have a cham shipped to me in the winter, have a hard enough time with feeders.
That said, even in January, there are always those random warmer days where it's 40 or 50F. Just keep watching the extended forecasts.
Rachel, I'm only just now seeing this!! Have you found out anything yet?
I'm thinking of you.
My Mom had little lumps, turned out to be benign fatty tumors. Doc told her those are very common when you are 50 or over.
They are often mistaken for cancer, and they may have to do follow-up scans...
What you discribe can be lots of things, hard to tell w/o more info about your husbandry.
Please copy/paste and fill this out, a few pics of your cham and setup would also be helpful.
Just to add to what Jann said, your young cham may just be freaked out about moving and having to adjust to a new cage.
Chams hate change, it makes them feel insecure, esp if you only resently got her.
She was still adjusting to you and her home, then you changed everything.
Welcome to the...
Sorry, by RH I meant relitive humidity, but I see you already have hygrometers.
Do you have holes or something in the floor for drainage?
Why dont you just get a cheap reptibreeze screen cage and make your life easier? ;)
Your sources are correct in that glass is okay, but they mean a proper reptarium, not a 'aquarium' type box with 4 enclosed walls.
How are you going to maintain RH, temp zones, and ventilation inside that?
How are you measuring the temps?
I was born in the 50's :eek: , and I think people were always the way they are right now, only difference was, we didn't know about it, because there was no internet.
Since the 50's, the population went from 5.5 billion, to what it is today, about 8 billion.
By 2020, the population may be...
Sorry, but your older veiled had the little one for dinner! :(
And yes, they do that.
Sounds like you need to do more research.
They both may have seemed fine at first to you, but they were probably
very stressed (esp the baby!!).
Good info in the link Melissa posted.
Nope, your no a pessimist, your a realist!
I think the social evolution of us humans, and esp Westerner's, is so vastly complex, bombarded by suggestive, behavior modification from every angle.
High tech makes it so much easier for us to build a security wall around us.
We can know...
To be honest, this time of year, the 'holidays' is very depressing to me as well, and for very similar reasons.
I cant wait for Spring.
I'm happier when I get to see my chams enjoying being outside.
So, I'm pretty much a recluse animal nerd :eek: :p
Kind of gave up on much of the human...
That was intense!!
Sort of an emotional bomb going off in the middle of a otherwise lighthearted thread.
It made me sad to read it, and I cant believe no one even sends you a card :(
So, I am sending you a virtual, metaphysical, hug! even at the risk of getting
a virtual, metaphysical...
Hey Jann, so did you get anything even remotely cham related for Christmas ;) :D
All I got was a hangover, and a stubborn veiled who doesn't want to go back to his cage!!
No fun chasing down a cham when the room wont stand still!! :eek: :rolleyes: