My Chameleon hasnt moved from one spot an entire day


New Member
I am a new Chameleon owner... I have a 6month old Vieled. I just moved her from a 12x12x24 cage to a 18x18x36 cage two days ago. The first day she seemed fine was eating,moving around, and acting normal. Now today on the second full day of being in her new cage she climbed to the top corner and hasnt moved since, she ate only 2-3 crickets when she usually eats about 8-10 and hasn't pooped since day one of being in her new enclosure. Her color seems to stay at very bright green. Should I be worried about this lethargic behavior or am I just a paranoid new cham owner.. :(

Ps: she isn't hanging out in her basking spot, she is about 8inches or so away from the basking spot
Welcome to the forums and congrats on your first chameleon. What's her temps in the new enclosure? How do you measure the temps? Do you have a laying bin for her in her new enclosure? Chameleons can and often do lay eggs without a male even being around. I recommend keeping a laying bin in the enclosure at all time after they reach 5 months old.

It would be a good idea to fill out this form for us and post a few pictures of her and her set up.

I'm also attaching my blog for new keepers and some additional blogs on female veiled care, egg laying and the laying bin and a video on how to make a laying bin.
Just to add to what Jann said, your young cham may just be freaked out about moving and having to adjust to a new cage.
Chams hate change, it makes them feel insecure, esp if you only resently got her.
She was still adjusting to you and her home, then you changed everything.

Welcome to the forum BTW :)
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