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  1. Bradkc

    Question about mistking misting system

    Yeah I've had the same problem, I've replaced several collets after leaky fittings.
  2. Bradkc

    good gutload?

    Everyone loves Cricket Crack!
  3. Bradkc

    Drip System question

    I leave my dripper on all day at a rate of about one drip per second.
  4. Bradkc

    my first cham (still need a name)

    Your feeding cup seems a little high considering there are no perches for him to sit on to see his food clearly. You might want to lower it down to an area just below his basking spot. Beautiful guy you've got there though! Congrats and welcome! Brad
  5. Bradkc

    Happy Birthday Brad!!!!!

    Happy Birthday, mine was on Wednesday. 09-09-09
  6. Bradkc

    my chameleons! many pictures

    Your cages aren't sitting on the floor all the time are they?? If so, they need to be raised, preferably above your eye level.
  7. Bradkc

    lll reptile fixture isnt working

    What type of lamp are you using in it? t8 or t12? Perhaps the fixture is t12 and your lamp is a t8?
  8. Bradkc

    NARBC Anaheim THIS weekend!

    Chad, who was the sire of the 5 month old veilds you guys had at the show?
  9. Bradkc

    NARBC Anaheim THIS weekend!

    Woo, that thing is a beast. I was hoping to see a mellers at the show but I think I left before they brought them out on Saturday. I left right around 330 or so. Also, it was nice meeting you Kent, and a big thanks to Tiki Tiki, I picked up a male veiled from you guys and he's doing fantastic!
  10. Bradkc

    blind baby cham

    Try a LONG(30-45 min), warm shower. Put her on a plant and put her in the shower with the shower aimed at the wall so the spray lands on her. Good luck, hopefully you can get her to open her eyes again with time.
  11. Bradkc

    Chameleon drinking from mist head...

    Haha, that video is classic.
  12. Bradkc

    NARBC Anaheim THIS weekend!

    Im sure there will be tons of feeders for sale. Me and the girlfriend will be going, hopefully we'll get to meet some of you guys. Festivities afterwards sounds like a blast as well, we need a meeting place and time for everyone to get together.
  13. Bradkc

    Bean Bag Chair!

    Get the best of the best, the LoveSac! They're full of memory foam and extremely comfortable.
  14. Bradkc

    NARBC September Reptile Show in Anaheim

    Ill be there on Saturday, see you fools there! Brad
  15. Bradkc

    What's wrong? New lights don't work!

    Sounds like the lamp is a t12 and the fixture is a t8, or vise versa.
  16. Bradkc

    Call of Duty 4 or WaW Kill dead Ratio's?

    Whoevers on 360 add me, elconquistadora
  17. Bradkc

    Some pics of Lenny

    Haha, thanks for all the kind words guys. He is my first chameleon and I'm doing my best to make sure he is well taken care of. I just recently ordered a Mist King for him and I've gotta say, Mist King rules! Knowing he's getting properly hydrated puts me at ease!
  18. Bradkc

    Some pics of Lenny

    Long time lurker, decided I'd finally post some pics of my cham. He's a blue bar ambilobe sired by Flash of Amazing Blue Reptiles. He's almost a year old. Finishing up a shed Blurry shower photo Hanging out Trying to make a fun for it Getting sleepy
  19. Bradkc

    roach question...

    You can get 20 for 8.95. Click on egg cartons, then egg trays on your left. I get the recycled pulp paper ones.
  20. Bradkc

    roach question... thats where I got mine
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