Call of Duty 4 or WaW Kill dead Ratio's?

I haven't played for months but my best game was 73-2
Using a heavy mg.

Also if you guys get bored I have a template for a char that will give you hours of entertainment.

Actually got back into starcraft so that is why I stopped playing.
My name is Audieman, if anyone wants to play. I am on XBOX 360, favorite setup is M2A03 sniper. I am on randomly at all parts of the day.
I haven't played for months but my best game was 73-2
Using a heavy mg.

Also if you guys get bored I have a template for a char that will give you hours of entertainment.

Actually got back into starcraft so that is why I stopped playing.

73-2? Which map? Seems to be a glitch cheat or something. The best record posted on IW is a 53 and 1 if not that is awesome! But I don't understand why IW wouldn't have it posted.
Well I was playing on pc not console, with 5 of my clanmates so I had good support. The two times I died it was from airstrikes I didn't run away from. Don't really remember map names. Its the map with buildings on both sides of a street that slopes down. I guess from an areal view it would like like a Z. It was part luck part support from my team and a little baby part skill.
Well I was playing on pc not console, with 5 of my clanmates so I had good support. The two times I died it was from airstrikes I didn't run away from. Don't really remember map names. Its the map with buildings on both sides of a street that slopes down. I guess from an areal view it would like like a Z. It was part luck part support from my team and a little baby part skill.

PC gaming has been ruined. I used to play it but ever game out there on PC it's all about who can get the best score with aim bots or some other type of cheat and the game makers don't care about patches since the people will just create another hack witht he new code. what game type? DM? HC? S&D? I still don't see how it's possible with a LMG that you cannot slience so no matter what with or without UV jammer you show up since it's not a silenced weapon. And if it's bloc you were playing on damn sure everyone on the other team was snipers since that's a snipers map.
My best streak is 31 or 32. My KD Ratio is 1.63, but on a newer account after playing for a week, I have a 3.2.

My most kills in Team Death Match is 45.

Most kills in search is 24.

PS3 GamerTag : GODSxSON

Well idk the name of the map but I described it as well as I could remember I really don't think that with airstrikes and a good support team that talks to you on vent that it is unheard of. I admit it was mostly luck. I could show the spot I like if I ever get ack into it. Snipers were not an issue because they ouldnt shoot me where I would sit.

As far as console vs pc gaming I do hear you all though I think you grossly exxagerate the problem. Also I believe first person shooters are meant to be played on pcs you just have so much better control. Another note about the hacking. I actually stopped playing console games because there was that router hack in halo 2 and they didn't do antthing about it. I didn't play another consoke until I got my wii in febuary. Almost 4 years later.
I've got the golden deagle :p

I just started playing cod 4 like 2 weeks ago. I like it a lot better than other games. I used to be a really big halo player until halo 3 crapped everything up. I did the whole competition thing all the time. I just got red tiger on my p90 :D

Unfortunately I can't play for a week or so because my internet is crap at my parents and wont work for some reason.

I hate the people that glitch and everything as well. I'm not sure how this one guy did it, but on shipment he literally jumped up onto the top of the containers :eek: I saw him launch to the top. He also jumped and landed on the other side of the fence outside of the map and got under the map somewhere under one of the HQs and noone could destroy it :(
Damn, I'm missing the Golden LMG, but have all the others. Along with the challenges. I dont have the LMG because i HATE using them :eek:


I made a new account on PS3

GamerTag is : x_BeWarned

Im still not exactly pro at the game, im barely keeping a 1.05 kd ratio. lol

I need the shotgun :) im not high enough level yet on this Account.

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