Foggers are great for the obvious reason of humidity I love that they are excellent drippers as well if you have a leafy branch right beneath the fog outlet to brake up the dense fog while it accumulates into droplets. My chams love there drinking stations even licking at the fog until the drops...
Minerals and antioxidants from clay in the dirt. They love to eat dirt so avoid any mulch type of soil with bark or debris(top soil). I use fine Pete moss and red earth. I've noticed mostly males take to eating mud pie so more red earth (dirt) for them and mostly Pete mix for the females.
I am plagued with soil gnats every fall/spring in my chameleons enclosures so I breed mantids as pest control/ feeders, I hang egg cases in each of my enclosures once hatched they fatten up fairly quickly and are a excellent food source for my chams. I've only had a few reach 3/4 inches but they...
I would be a Pegasus only instead of a horse I would be a veiled chameleon with wings like in the movie Avatar. And I would fly from Tree to tree impregnating all the females that I encountered.
I do heavy saturation once a week altho I've slowed to once every 2 weeks now that i have soil gnats until there gone. They clean their eyes and hydrate it also cleans the enclosure and perches. It's equally important that it all dry out completely to avoid trench rot and bacterial infections.
Keep that lizard out'ya mouth and vise versa and you should be fine.. if I start seeing post of these hybrids for sale we're gonna have a real problem.
Why? Does the potency of the bulb dim the same as uvb lights? Do the growers know something about UVA bulbs that we dont? The only reasons I can think of is either they replace there bulbs yearly to keep up the highest of quality in plants, or they went out of business. They are coming out of...
Im sorry you are going through this, I know it's frustrating. Did they rule out fungal infection? I doubt it's a rare strand of bacteria unless you've introduced produce, bugs, plants etc.. from the deep heart of a Peruvian-Amazon jungle.