Just because you don't see her doesn't mean she won't ever go to the bottom of the cage. Besides being a danger of impaction, soil/substrate can be heavily ridden with parasites, so one bite of soil could lead to a life long battle with coccidia. We offer this experienced advice to you in...
Brian, sorry to hear you are still having problems with your guy :mad: I would definitely make the necessary changes in his supplementation to see if getting the vitamins he needs helps his grip. Is it to the point where its affecting him and he is on the floor of the enclosure? Or just...
Julie, VERY beautiful chams none the less, it is really neat how the female has a heart. I ended up with one of Noelle's nosy babies, and I feared the same thing, but my male doesn't seem to exhibit as much red as yours, which definitely tells his secret! Makes me think they could be related...
The eye seems to look a bit off in the photo, any way you could provide a closer shot of the eyes. It is possible that she is blind in one eye, or both. Without live food and the appropriate set up she will most likely have a better chance being released in a safe area, such as a big park or...
Thank you guys! I am so lucky to have such stunning fascinating animals!
Laurie, I didn't catch the gecko :) My dad got him from a friend at work. My parents new lizard Dulce I think was WC from FL though :D
Thanks Danny. Vega seems to be doing well, he is indeed an old man. He was WC and fully grown, when I got him for Valentines day almost 5 years ago. Thanks for asking.
What is the main problem that you are seeing in your chameleons? How are they acting? Have they been active or eating/drinking latley? I'd be skeptical of prolonged baytril use as it can significantly affect the kidneys. I wish you the best of luck with them.
Thank you all for your nice comments!
Stefan, I LOVE VEGA! Whatever camera I can get my hands on. Sometimes its the Nikon D80 @ my parents, otherwise it's the point and shoot Olympus or Sanyo.
The black you see depicted in the photo, I hypothesize is a result of long term baytril...