Search results

  1. Yellow Lip Male

    Yellow Lip Male

  2. Sub Adult Yellow Lip Female #1

    Sub Adult Yellow Lip Female #1

  3. Sub Adult Yellow Lip Female #1

    Sub Adult Yellow Lip Female #1

  4. Yellow Lip Female

    Yellow Lip Female

  5. Gantu


  6. image


  7. image


  8. Bradypodion


  9. Django: 
Turning Blue

    Django: Turning Blue

  10. parpan5

    Quadricornis laying eggs...

    Great work Sam!! Keep us posted on your progress.. I'm sure your hands are full with all the new stuff rolling in
  11. parpan5

    Start too end of my hand made screen cage project

    Those are excellent lighting fixtures for those T5 HO lamps and they look good. I bought the dark bronze version of these because they looked better over my cages. Keep us posted on your progress and add pics James
  12. parpan5

    sticky tongue farms?

    Hey Xray, Been through the same situation with no resolution to date.. For future reference it may be easier to buy Minerall from one of the many distributors online. They have a quality product but the customer service is sub-par in my opinion. Won't do any direct business with...
  13. parpan5

    Roach options for large Chameleons (melleri)

    No Hissers or any glass climbing Roaches for me. (personal preference). All of us who love this hobby end up becoming amateur Entomologists and have the tendency to spend excessive amounts of time housing, feeding, cleaning and culturing healthy insects all in the name of keeping our chams...
  14. parpan5

    Sailfin eggs...very excited...

    Good Luck Sam.. Might want to put me down for a pair:D James
  15. Gantu


    Orange Eye Parson's
  16. parpan5

    some nice pictures....

    WOW Jurgen!!! Those are beautiful:eek: How can I get my hands on a pair or trio??
  17. parpan5

    Jasonii Parsonii questionii.

    Not Yet but I will officially put the word out now that I am in search of one Thanks
  18. Django Lookin mighty green

    Django Lookin mighty green

  19. Django crunching a dubia

    Django crunching a dubia

  20. Django Chillin out

    Django Chillin out

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