I recently had 2 ooths hatch in my living room because I forgot about them sitting in Sela's old cage ..with the door open. d'oh! They were all over the curtains and walls, in that corner, so I just opened a window and shoo'd them out. I held back about 50 and fed off half to my Pyg girls. They...
Yeah, I agree. As long as no broken eggs were in the crates, they should be fine. I've used them for many years ..more than 16, I'm sure ...but not keen on dating myself :p
You can also buy egg crate flats online ..various vendors have them.
Beautiful kitten!
With my old kitty, Aneesa, I used Tidy Cat scoop and people didn't know we had a cat unless she jumped in their lap. ;)
I fed her Nutro for awhile, as she was on Nutro kitten when we broke her out of the kitty prison. As she aged, I changed her food to accommodate her...
I've read quite a few times that people have different species' eggs hatch at varying times ..not all on the same day ..even some hatching with weeks in between. So I'm curious.. do the eggs also develop at varying rates?
I candled Sela's eggs a few days ago ..we're about 13.5 weeks in.. and I...
My old timer, Willow, is on the floor of her cage ..asleep under a plant.. behind her cork bark tube ..as I type this. She can sleep in a number of places, but that's where she is today.
I've bred these guys for years, and I've seen many of them sleep on the bottom of their enclosure. It probably doesn't mean anything, if the animal has adequate arboreal choices and other hides within vines/live plants.
Maybe you should post a pic of your entire enclosure.
I have been thinking of getting another cat for some time now, but I was more concerned that one of my Burms would eat it. I've talked to a few people with large constrictors and cats, and they've assured me there's no real issue. So... I decided to adopt a cat from a friend after she heals from...
I can be quite "aggressive" if cornered, as well. :)
Snakes have purpose just like the rest of us, so I don't advise that you kill them. And snakes are not really "hard wired" to be "aggressive". It's more like defensive behavior ..survival. It's not like they can take off running, although...
Hope you are feeling better by now! I don't know how I missed this thread.
It's "strange.. funny" how a lot of ankle injuries always have great stories attached. I have my own.
Be sure you are moving the ankle a little, while at rest. You don't want it to heal with any unnecessary...
You could have picked up a mite in a store that sells reptiles, particularly snakes. It's hard to tell what kind of mite it is from the pic, but I'm hypersensitive to just the idea of mites.. me. :eek:
The good thing is, if it's a snake mite ..it won't stick around because your chameleon is...
I am a big advocate for any animal that faces "species legislation" ..and so many do... so when I found this video today, I had to share it far and wide.
Of course, I keep Burmese Pythons as pets ..more like "family...