Happened to my guy Chuck a while back. Perhaps one of the more extreme cases too. Biggest help was natural sunlight. I started taking him outside as often as possible, for as long as possible. Within a few weeks he was back to normal. Check out my thread to see his before and after photos...
If you don't want to put a hole in your screen enclosure, then the only real option is a hand held sprayer like the one @Highway61 posted. If you are looking for an automatic misting system, go with the Mistking starter system and be sure to get the screen wedge. Mistking is somewhat pricier...
I will let some of the experts here help, but your girl needs a vet ASAP. With no supplements or dusting of the crickets, your girl, most likely has MBD. The lighting needs to be addresses as Mercury Vapor bulbs are not a good choice for chameleons. She is being fed too much too often, and her...
I got a couple more shots of Chuck this evening. He is just SOOOO easy to get pics of since he LOVES coming out. He did fire up just a little bit hen he caught a glimpse of my other guy Bruce.
PS - Before you all mention it, I know Chuck looks a little over weight. We are currently working on...
It is hard to say on the gender from those photos. I can say that it seems to be dehydrated and the eyes are a bit sunken in. What is your hydration schedule? Misting when, with what, and for how long? Also, can you post pics of the entire enclosure? That could give us more info to help you get...
If you MUST go with the T8, then yes, use a 10.0 bulb. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located? I have a Reptisun T5HO fixture that I am no longer using. I would be happy to pass it along to help out a fellow cham owner.
I recommend getting the T5 version.
This one would work GREAT!!
Definitely do not run the fogger during the day. High Humidity and heat are a recipe for respiratory infections. I like using a somewhat naturalistic method for hydration. Check out this link for some great information on hydration.
No expert, but I believe it is a little boy. I am sure others will chime in as well. :)
I also don't think it is 3.5 months. It seems quite small for that age.
I am going to guess that Nolan is a veiled chameleon. haha
Veilds are notorious for having bad attitudes and becoming pretty aggressive. I once had a veiled that forced me to wear welding gloved when cleaning his cage or even feeding him. As soon as my hand went into the cage for ANY reason he...
I swear, I will notice a couple white spots, walk away for a few minutes and find that they have gone completely white. A few minutes later and it looks like there is snow in the enclosure, but my cham looks like nothing ever happened.
If humidity and health are good, He will likely finish within an hour or 2. You watching him should not be a major concern. Don't try to help him by pulling shed off or misting him. They are dry shedders and will actually shed easier if they are not wet.
Ok, so I got the watering system mostly completed. I got all of the 1/4" tubing run throughout the cages and to each plant. The only thing I have left is to attach the irrigation drippers to the end of each tube @ the plants. I chose to get 1/2GPH drippers. I expect to only need to run these for...
I was actually able to get a decent picture of Bruce yesterday. He is angry and somewhat fired up (as always), but he is looking great, though I may be biased. :)