

New Member
This is the first time I see my chameleon shed and I am unsure about what to do.
I have not taken pictures and I don’t know if him being disturbed can be crucial to his shedding. I am wondering if I can receive any tips about shedding.
If humidity and health are good, He will likely finish within an hour or 2. You watching him should not be a major concern. Don't try to help him by pulling shed off or misting him. They are dry shedders and will actually shed easier if they are not wet.
Hour or 2 ? Mine shed for a few days .. oboy lol.
I swear, I will notice a couple white spots, walk away for a few minutes and find that they have gone completely white. A few minutes later and it looks like there is snow in the enclosure, but my cham looks like nothing ever happened.
I swear, I will notice a couple white spots, walk away for a few minutes and find that they have gone completely white. A few minutes later and it looks like there is snow in the enclosure, but my cham looks like nothing ever happened.
Lolll that happened yesterday, I went out, came back, Van is now wearing a helmet
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