LMAO... alphakenc and Decadancin...
How awesome to have posts that make you laugh with clever double entendre!
I'm not sure I want that "dead clam" looking thing at the tip of his tongue in my mouth... Well, no, I'm positive I don't want that "dead clam" looking thing in my mouth!
I am in...
Thanks alphakenc! Sir Ziggy was purchased at PetSmart, and is very cool to hang out with.
Both he and my female, Lady Jade, are as sweet as can be, only Sir Ziggy HATES kisses and Lady Jade loves them!
Getting pictures isn't easy when you can't really see the screen, but I gave it my best...
I had my male chameleon, Sir Ziggy, out for some sun, and I noticed that his casque has some translucent qualities.
He is also at the end of a new shed.
Do all male casques appear translucent?
I also noticed he has shiny knees, could he have some translucent genes, or does he just...
Thanks Virgil1972 and guanagator!
I understand about stressing them by holding them.
The first time I noticed the "Plunge" my chameleon was on top of her cage trying to get to the top of my bearded dragons cage. It appeared as if she was going to dive over the edge, and before I could react...
I have a question regarding my chameleons...
Sometimes they open their arms wide, and appear to dive off of people and surfaces.
I've been calling it the "Kamikaze Plunge" for lack of a better description. It worries me that they will eventually get hurt by free-diving that way.
I have a young male veiled chameleon purchased towards the end of May, he was tiny when I got him from PetSmart, but, I have no idea of his age.
I handle my chameleons daily to get them used to being with me and my dogs, but, I think Sir Ziggy got a tad confused yesterday...
He wrapped himself...