My young male and his "winkie"


I have a young male veiled chameleon purchased towards the end of May, he was tiny when I got him from PetSmart, but, I have no idea of his age.

I handle my chameleons daily to get them used to being with me and my dogs, but, I think Sir Ziggy got a tad confused yesterday...

He wrapped himself tightly around my hand and fingers and started to do an odd version of a "bump and grind", and his winkie made a guest appearance.

I believe my reaction ruined the mood because his winkie went away, and he unlatched himself.

Obviously he won't be getting access to my female any time soon.

My questions are...

1. I keep them in open air cages that are side by side, within complete view of each other. Should this be changed so they can't see the other?

2. Will this force my female, Lady Jade, (purchased the same method as the male 4 days apart so I've no idea how old she is) to prepare for egg laying?

3. Should I prepare to receive more unwanted proposals from Sir Ziggy?

4. Will Sir Ziggy try to hold my hand captive until the deed is, um -- done?


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You need to put a visual barrier between the two like a shower curtain or a piece of plywood. Without the constant, ahem, "stimulation" of seeing your female the hand-humping should diminish. Definitely keep a lay bin in her cage when she reaches maturity.
Like was said you should put a barrier between them to keep stress down. Your female will lay eggs even if you didn't have the male. As far as the other stuff I guess that depends on him, and just how frisky he feels.
Thank you FlChamMom and brownie64. I've put up a visual barrier, and all is wonderful!

Thanks for the information!
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