Thank you! The one stipulation I had from my wife was that the enclosure needed to look nice. I actually stole a chair from a dining room set that is her "color" and had it paint matched at Lowes. That is the color I used to paint the sides and back panels.
Shot of the nozzles. You can also see the Arcadia uvb bulb. I did get a separate fixture for it. Also have a 70 watt Sansi plant light coming next week. Decided to swap out the Vivosun fixture. Nothing wrong with it except the size.
Mistking done! Shelf so that the drain bucket can more easily be emptied. Thanks for that suggestion! It is hard to tell but I can open the top and pour water into the reservoir without a problem. Second picture is the drawer where all the electrical is.
You might try plowshredder he is a member here. He has a couple of males that should be ready in a few weeks and also a new clutch that recently hatched and they will be 2 to 3 months out.
You might want to check this video out:
and even more of his videos. I did a paludarium following loosely the video above. He used a 40 gallon breeder and I used a 20 gallon tall. My son and his fiance liked it so much I gifted it to them. He has lots of videos and you can get some great ideas...
Well I field tested the Mistking and made sure it doesn't leak anywhere. So far so good, but I realized that I really need some extra parts. In looking at it I realize I'm probably going to want two nozzles instead of just one. I ordered a second nozzle and a zip drip attachment from Josh's...
I have one setup for my Crested Gecko tank actually. Definitely something to think about! The only thing I wondered about was the probe and wire. Just so small chams don't use it to get up too close to the top.
Someone said it only needs a couple of inches at least. One of the ideas was to make it so I could pull the whole assembly out for (possible) service. I realized I'm going to need a cut off valve too. I think I'm going to want to one of the zip drip connections too.
I have smart plugs that could be used to only have the UVB bulb on for a certain amount of time each day and then turn off. That wouldn't be possible while it's in the fixture with the other bulbs. As you described that's basically what is on chameleon academy and what I intended to do. It's...