Established Member
Hi everyone! I am looking to buy a male panther chameleon within the next 2 weeks or so. I have been looking online at websites and even went to the sponsored section of this site to find who is recommended. I at first was 100% going to buy one from FLCHams but after researching they have a lot of bad history? So now I don't know where to purchase. I have seen the other sites but it seems everyone is out of male panthers and mainly have females only at this time. I dont know who is restocking any time soon. Also, I kind of want one with more red coloring in its bloodline. I know that it may not look anything like the parents but I just love the color red so if I have a CHANCE of having that coloring I would prefer. Of course I will love my chameleon even if he doesnt end up with any red
I did find a site called robersons reptiles but I cant find too much on it. I obviously want to buy from a trustoworthy breeder. I however reached out as the site mentioned they get new arrivals weekly and he said they should be getting males soon... SHould I trust it? Or, Any other recommendations thank you in advance!