We also ate this afternoon. Almost a full cricket. Also supplemented with some reptaboost and took the evening dose of calcium and drank water. The vet warned me to not overdo it considering how tiny his stomach probably is.
GREAT! the vet said hed seen worse cases make recoveries. He tested for parasites and found none. He assessed his stool and said all looked good. He gave a dose of calcium gluconate and sent me home with some. He said since he is walking and fighting to get away from being force fed thats super...
She just said because if I miss the subq area it could cause problems... which I can see, I've never given a chameleon injections before. But I give injections all the time so I think after watching it and having a little education and some pointers I could easily do it.
:love: I thought so! I know in the hospital any patient passing stool and urinating especially is cause to celebrate so it gave me hope this morning. When I made the appointment I specifically told the receptionist I needed liquid calcium and she said that wouldn't be a problem. We also talked...
Thank you. That's rather hard for me but I am trying. He has started eating and he POOPED today. Would you guys mind taking a look at his stool and telling me what you think?
Ugh it just breaks my heart. He is TINY. Fits in the palm of my hand. I'm in nursing school and have dropped down to part time at work so it allows me more time to care for him, I just can't put him down.
I was told 4 months, but, them woman who had him knew absolutely nothing about chameleons (I've educated her and suggested she not get another reptile)
Chameleon Info:
◦ Your Chameleon - MALE Veiled chameleon. 4 months old. How long has it been in your care? 4 days.
◦ Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Other than redoing enclosure and taking all climbing items out, I let him be. However, his previous owner told he she...
And actually looking closer, I think she is a HE. the lady I got him from told me he was a Male but on my first post on this site someone corrected me and said she. He has very small spurs though so I think it's a he!