I thought so! I know in the hospital any patient passing stool and urinating especially is cause to celebrate so it gave me hope this morning. When I made the appointment I specifically told the receptionist I needed liquid calcium and she said that wouldn't be a problem. We also talked about injections and she said the vet wouldn't send me home with that but that he could do them. I am so hopeful guys! Thanks for giving me your honest opinions and cheering me on!If he's pooping, and allowing food to be pumped in him I'd say give the little one a chance. Obviously his internal organs are still working. Though he probably won't have a normal life span, though I said that about Hope and she outlived most regular Jackson females. His poop looks pretty good for his condition. Nice urates. You gonna need to keep on top of his fluids massively. Remember getting liquid calcium is a massive goal for this vet visit. I won't say he will make it. But his desire to fight and his guts still working is a huge bonus.