So I came home from school and noticed Eva had a bit of blue under her chin. She was at the bottom if the cage. My cricket keeper is a 10 gallon aquarium and its right next to her enclosure. I think she was looking at the crickets frm her cage. But there is blue on her chin, is this normal?
How do you know if your chamelon is gravid or not? At what age do they usually become gravid? Eva is 8 months old. Shes a vieled chameleon from Chams Nw. I was wondering, how you tell if shes gravid? Are there signs i should be looking out for? Much Appreciated (:
Does the repti-Fogger have a timer on it? Like the monsoon? Example, I want it to go off every 2 hours for 60 seconds? Is this possible on the reptifogger? Do I have to get a timer? If so, which timer?
I see her poo, but its the darker portion, no urate attached, but I do see white urates around the bottom of the cage. Idk if they are urates though. They are white.
I found that my dropper has been not working during school and it has happened for the past days. Idk if she's dehydrated or not. The dripper is working again now. Is she okay? Does she look okay? P.S she's that color cuz I took the pic from my iPad and she's freaking out.
I use fishing line. But it's a pain every time I clean the cage (often) I have to untie the notes then put them back together. And my cage is against a wall. So imagine trying to get the knots from the back
The butterworts you feed him, are those the same one that came with the Cham? Cuz I tried feeding my Cham the butterworts and she doesn't care for them.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 6.5 female vieled chameleon. I had it for 4 days.
Handling - I haven't handled it yet.
Feeding - She ate 2 crickets with me watching her. I put 4 and I guess she ate them all. I feed once since I got her. I plan on feeding again today. I haven't gut-loaded but...
My chameleon stayed in the same spot for a longtime, almost 8 hours. It's awake and it's eyes are moving and it's also changing colors. She is a 6.5 month veiled and she isn't moving. She is in the same spot she was when she went to sleep yesterday. Please, I'm worried right now.
She's starting to get black dots every time I look at her from outside the cage or if I open the door. It's the same when I put crickets in or when I'm misting her. Is this normal? She also runs away as soon as I step into the room. Help?
What size crickets would i feed my 6.5 month old female vieled. I dont want to stress her by taking her out of the cage and holding a cricket up to her head. What should i do?