Do her eyes look okay?


New Member
Are they sunken? I don't know anything about sunken eyes.
whenever they poo, they usually have two parts to it. there is the brown darker portion and then there is the urate part. This is the part that is usually white or should be white. Sometimes there seems to be a little bit of yellow on the end of the white, but you really want that part to be as white as possible. If it is all a darker yellow or sometimes kind of orangish that is a sign of dehydration.
I see her poo, but its the darker portion, no urate attached, but I do see white urates around the bottom of the cage. Idk if they are urates though. They are white.
yea thats probably the urates! A lot of the time when it hits a branch or leaf it will separate, sometimes making it harder to observe. I guess the urates are a softer material or something. So you can see it on the bottom of the cage then? If it is a good healthy white and not yellow or orange than you should be ok with hydration. To me it almost looks like bird poop or something.
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