eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm, little confused! The website is still in the build process atm! have had communication with the seller, and there saying they should be recieving the goods within the next few weeks!
Could you tell me how you managed to place an order?
Have you Purchased it from Mistking yet? If not, hold your horses as theres a company in the UK that is just about to start selling them!
You won't have to wait 6-8 weeks for delivery!!!! (There saying they sholud be up and running within the next week or so!!!!!)
A wooden viv is great, (cover it with marine varnish) as this helps with rot and UV deteroation. As long as you incorporate plenty of ventalation (plastic/mesh) You can't go far wrong!
Can't wait to see them up and running, should save us Brits a lot of hassel! (now if only someone would stock a decent viv controller in the UK!!!!) :D
Let me draw your attention to a UK website that will be stocking Mistking within the next few weeks!
There just starting up, and are in reciept of an order from Mistking at the moment. So not long now!!!! :D
Give these guys ago, should'nt be to much longer before there ready to start selling.
There in the middle of recieving an order from Mistking at the moment, can't wait to order mine! :D