Misting machines UK


New Member

Can anyone please recommend a good misting machine that's available in the UK? I've found a Zoo med one that looks good but I was wondering if there are anymore out there?
There is a lucky reptile one for around £100 on Amazon. Havent tried either though , would love to hear from u if u have some feedback?

Can anyone please recommend a good misting machine that's available in the UK? I've found a Zoo med one that looks good but I was wondering if there are anymore out there?

Save yourself the aggro of getting the rubbish ones such as the zoomed, lucky rep or exo terra, and either go straight for a mistking, available from their polish distributor here


or get one from pollywog, here


The poolywog works out a little more expensive, and is a little noisier, but postage is cheaper and some of the parts (such as the tubing) are more readily availabe, the tubing for mistking is only available from mistking or as a RO water pipe in the uk, whereas pollywog use 4 and 6mm tube that is readily available at a lot of garden centres, aquatic centres, etc.

From my experience though, get the mistking, it's an amazing piece of kit.

Thanks for the links! I've got a while to think about which one to get, Mistking is the one I've heard the most about but I wasn't sure if it's available in this country. If I order from europe will I need an adapter to plug it in?
I got my mistking direct from Marty in Canada. I chose the standard post and it took 6 weeks to come. Well worth the wait . Haven't used the zoomed but the lucky reptile one packed up after 6 months and was so noisy we couldn't hear tv when it came on. Mistking comes with timer and I bought an adapter from
MistKing all the way. When/if you order it make sure that you get everything you need so you only have to pay for postage once. I got mine about a month ago and I absolutely love it and have had no issues with it. I ordered it and it took about 2 weeks to get to Hawaii which isnt bad at all.
I use the pollywog kit and it works well. The only downside is it can only operate for 2 minutes at a time maximum.
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