oopps, :D lol.
I'm looking into having a humidifier in my cage (in the design stage atm!) and i just noticed yours has a flexi pipe, i was advised not to use them as they harber bacteria and are harder to clean! How are you finding it using a flexi pipe?
I just followed this guys idea! however i used smooth pipe as opposed to ridged, as it's easier to clean and won't harber bacteria.
Theres no need to cut a hole in the mesh, just stick it on top of the cage!
Has anyone ever tried covering there soil with a fine mesh to help with the gnat problems?
You could then place the plants in a plastic bag and treat with co2 to kill the little blighters off!
From what i have read on numerouse forums, humidifiers specifically designed for the reptile trade are useless! hence why have gone for this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Honeywell-HH200E-Ultrasonic-Vase-Humidifier/dp/B001VEJFV4/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1333908270&sr=8-4
had it a year now and never...
The rule of thumb with silicone is, with every mm of silicone = 24hrs of drying time, that's how we do it in the fish tank world.
That time also depends on your ambient room tempature aswell!