Search results

  1. Ionstorm

    Shipping: US to Canada

    You will be required to get cites permits to ship this chameleon from the US to Canada. It is not as simple as just paying for shipping. These permits will take you a number of months to complete and have approved. This combined with the fact there is not as many Canadian breeders is why...
  2. Ionstorm

    Ambilobe Panther Chameleons

    Still have a few of both male and female babies available. PM me if you require any further info. I am able to ship anywhere inside of Canada.
  3. Ionstorm

    Baby Carrots

    As several of the previous posters mentioned chlorine and other similar chemicals are in alot of the foods we eat. Including in the tap water in most major citys in Canada and the US. I have been using baby carrots in my gutload for the last couple of years. I have had no problems with the...
  4. Ionstorm

    Ambilobe Panther Chameleons

    Bump, still both males and females available. A couple pictures of the male babies. Ian
  5. Ionstorm

    Another sexing baby panthers thread

    Thanx for the responses everyone. I hand picked those three believing they were all males. This is my first go round with sexing baby panthers and wanted some confirmation. Much appreciated. Ian
  6. Ionstorm

    Another sexing baby panthers thread

    I tried myself and have to the best of my ability sexed these baby panthers. Would like to see how I did. Baby 1 - Pic 1 Baby 2 - Pics 2-3 Baby 3 - Pics 4-5 Baby 1 Baby2 Baby3
  7. Ionstorm

    Ambilobe Panther Chameleons

    CB Ambilobe panther chameleon babies for sale. They are between 3 and 4 months of age. Males $325 Females $250 Please PM or email [email protected] for further details. Located West of Toronto. Shipping within Canada is available. Pic 1-2: Babies Pic 3: Father
  8. Ionstorm

    Carpet hatchling

    Very nice looking baby as always.
  9. Ionstorm

    Black crickets suck (can I type suck here??)

    For my adult chameleons I have a strong preference towards the standard brown crickets. The brown crickets have a tendancy to climb, well the black crickets stay near the bottom. With my baby chameleons I like the black crickets. These crickets walk just enough to climb out of the containers...
  10. Ionstorm

    Carpet chameleon temps

    Thanx for the quick reply reptoman, exactly the info I was looking for and more.
  11. Ionstorm

    Carpet chameleon temps

    What temperatures are people using for the basking spots for their Carpet chameleons?
  12. Ionstorm

    Carpet Chams!

    They are looking good. Hope you have good luck with them. Would love to see some more pics. Ian
  13. Ionstorm

    How do you pick names

    My girlfriend came up with the Idea to name our Panthers are towns with race tracks. Mostly Nascar tracks but there is a F1 track mixed in. Males - Monte Carlo, Phoenix Females - Charlotte, Fontana, Kansas, Daytona
  14. Ionstorm

    All mesh Open Air Cage Help

    Too keep humidity up I like to use a garbage bag on the sides and backs of my cages. This helps a little keep humidity up and stops water from spraying on the walls and other items near your cage when misting.
  15. Ionstorm

    Making Grape Vines Safe

    I have had my pygmys for roughly 3 months I believe now. They are misted 2-3 times per day.
  16. Ionstorm

    Making Grape Vines Safe

    I am using grape vines in my pygmy cages and have had no trouble with them molding, except for a little mold occasionaly at the bottom where they vines are in the dirt. Any of the vines not touching dirt have no mold. A mix of 1 part bleach to 10 parts warter and soak the vines works. Soak...
  17. Ionstorm

    My new pygmy chameleons!

    They are looking good. Nice tank setup also. In your 3rd post. Pic1 looks female and Pic2 looks male.
  18. Ionstorm

    going to see Rango tonight

    I went to go see Rango with the GF and some friends. Gotta say it was one of the more boring movies I have ever seen. The theatre was packed with tons of kids and I dont think they laughed more than once. I would not recommend the movie.
  19. Ionstorm

    mississauga expo got my little guy

    Congrats on getting your nosey be Hoj. That expo was crazy packed, almost impossible to walk around in there.
  20. Ionstorm

    mississauga expo sunday

    I will be there tomorrow. Not sure what time I will be going though, as I am not looking for anything in particular. Forum member Psi will also be there, he has a booth for his store Squamata reptiles.
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