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  1. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    It is not going to be cheap, but you have the cheaper option, which is euthanasia which would be preferable to the slow agonizing death that will follow if left. Sorry. :( Most vets are happy to enter into a repayment system, I can only urge people reading this to bare in mind they need to...
  2. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    Thank you camimom Thank you camimom :D Guessing these are the numbers for that surgery. Toll Free: 866-491-5538 Telephone: 301-977-1881
  3. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    It is something you can not at this stage, as for if a vet can resolve this, only the vet can tell you, hopefully you have a reptile vet in your area... Can you tell me what part of the world you are from if you need assistance finding...
  4. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    Senior agrees with me... no time to waste reading this. vet
  5. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    Vet!! Ok please stop wasting time here, and get to vet...
  6. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    can you describe it. Can you describe it when you first noticed it? My top advice is vet still..
  7. Scoobthenoob

    Something stuck in my chameleon

    Do you feed it worms? I think it is having difficulty passing an undigested worm or other food or substrate and it got stuck. If it is not that, then worse case scenario it is a prolapse, either way a visit to the vet is probably yours and his best bet. Take this advice if no one else...
  8. Scoobthenoob

    Dark spot on the side of my Chameleon

    I would be inclined Based on some well most of what this vet told you I might inclined to source a specialist vet and get a second opinion on the mark, it to me does look like a result of a burn, however, I am not convinced that there is no underlying fungal or bacterial infection. As for...
  9. Scoobthenoob

    Hello, I am scoob.

    Wanted A chameleon for a long time. A local pet store had got this fella in, and ofc no Chameleon really likes to be on display at any time least of all when they are no more than 2.5 months old. So my little still no name "fella", perhaps that is his name simply "Fella", had been in the...
  10. Scoobthenoob

    Anyone see a problem here?

    Said I was making assumptions. I had assumed this was a very temporary setup, for a breeder, I can not zoom on this tablet, so not really getting enough size reference to determine age. Yes be I know, this is a far from perfect arrangement. I often rescue things..... This is often why I have...
  11. Scoobthenoob

    Anyone see a problem here?

    Assumptions will be made I am assuming, the patches on the male are as a result of photo quality. I am also going to assume that the breeder has pit the 2 females in at the same time maybe to double the chances or the clutches, did I miss something else?
  12. Scoobthenoob

    Some ppk are just

    Thank you From myself and all responsible rep keepers, thank you and your family for giving this fellow a great home. All to often I am sad to say we see neglect, and more often than not unintentional, when I bred reptiles I would vet and educate the recipients often refusing sale. I...
  13. Scoobthenoob

    HELP! Chameleon seems sick!

    So very very sorry Dear Victor, When I saw this last night for me in the UK, I thought it was too late, again condolences. Sincerely Scoob :( [HUG] Stick around and absorb all the help and advice on this forum... good luck with the future.
  14. Scoobthenoob

    HELP! Chameleon seems sick!

    Exactly, still trying to establish facts Exactly, however, I am assuming from his "Fact Sheet" he is using .. For heat. I am trying to get more info on this product to better...
  15. Scoobthenoob

    HELP! Chameleon seems sick!

    Guessing here
  16. Scoobthenoob

    HELP! Chameleon seems sick!

    Well he is drinking, this is good. Although his health and well being are very very important, I want you to relax a little bit, He is drinking, so he has not given up the fight... I have a few more questions to ask. "Supplements - I made a recent purchase of 25 crickets from PetSmart and...
  17. Scoobthenoob

    HELP! Chameleon seems sick!

    I am not an expert, but my suspicion is his eye's. But we need more info. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount...
  18. Scoobthenoob

    Hello, I am scoob.

    Almost one week has passed since I got a Yemen, I still can not decide on a name for him, got me thinking, if I was a Lizard, one of remarked evolutionary deviance, what would I call myself.. Based on his noises, it would have to be something that sounded chirpy and bossy, he mostly chirps...
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