Hello, I am scoob.

Almost one week has passed since I got a Yemen, I still can not decide on a name for him, got me thinking, if I was a Lizard, one of remarked evolutionary deviance, what would I call myself..

Based on his noises, it would have to be something that sounded chirpy and bossy, he mostly chirps, only hisses at me when I accidentally stress him with my ungainly Jazz hands in his enclosure, doing a passable impression of a predator.

So I have a shortlist, and would like votes or suggestions...


Not really an extensive list...

Any way really nice to be here, and hope I can be a useful member of this community.
Welcome to the forum - congratulations on your new Yemen -
I have a dilepis that used to thinks she's was pit bull- I think she's going more for lioness now that she's bigger.
Wanted A chameleon for a long time.

A local pet store had got this fella in, and ofc no Chameleon really likes to be on display at any time least of all when they are no more than 2.5 months old.

So my little still no name "fella", perhaps that is his name simply "Fella", had been in the shop on two visits, and he was charcoal grey/black, looking really really p'd off and stressed.

So I liquidated some assets and bought him an enclosure, not much change from a lot of money, and bought him, and gave him a new home, all I can say is what a difference.

He is now a good green, and having a complete moult in part hence no pictures of Fella, yet.

Another reason for no pictures as yet, is I am just trying to leave him undisturbed as possible, whilst he really feels at home, although I would like him to not fear me or my hands, this is mostly so that I can inspect him and maintain his health, although handling would be great, I would far rather admire him and give him the space he wants.

Though I think once he has malted I will try and get one or two pictures.

And well it is good to be here, and it is also great this resource exists.:)
Very nice -
I'm sure he'll come around with some hand feeding and such once he's settled in- It's great your taking it slow - I think that's what works best in the long run-
Not to bothered about handling

I only want him to be less stressed about handling so I can monitor his health better, whilst causing him less stress..

I did not get him to sit on my arm .. :)
I didn't mean to apply that your doing anything wrong- actually the complete opposite - sorry if it sounded that way. I hand feed mine silks and such to get them used to my hand - for the same reason.
He He, I did not take it that way..

Sorry I just wanted to put across that I am happy when he is happy, if that means limited handling, then so be it..

I often come across as abrupt on forums, I sincerely don't often mean to be, as for hand feeding, he will not take from myself or feeder cup, he seems a lot happier to hunt.

I will continue to present him food by hand, even if he never takes in time this should represent a lower threat to him than it currently does..

Currently he hisses and bites, which is totally cool from my perspective, but from his perspective my ham fists obviously stress him out.

I also know his bite will become more of a problem as he gets older, as it already causes pain now XD.

And thank you for the welcome :)
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