Search results

  1. beeze

    Home-made stuff!

    I agree with the others. Buy a small cage for now and if you want to build something later she will need a big cage by 6 or 7 months old. Here's a cage that I built for my adult female veiled awhile back. The cost was about $100.00...
  2. beeze

    Possible eye/shed issue

    He could have an infection in that eye. I'd get a vets visit and get it checked out.
  3. beeze

    Building a custom enclosure (work log)

    Lookin good so far keep us posted.
  4. beeze

    Emergency kit

    Kinyonga had one on here a couple of years back. You might be about to do a search and find it.
  5. beeze

    Hermione is showing some blue.

    Very pretty girl!
  6. beeze

    First worm

    Nice video. That's a big worm for him but he chewed it up very well. :D
  7. beeze

    safe plant?

    Maybe you can find it in this link.
  8. beeze

    My Jacksons

    Nice lookin Jacksons!
  9. beeze

    charlie's latest shed

    Good lookin guy!
  10. beeze


    This one is one of the members here.
  11. beeze

    Growth in Chameleon Eye

    Have a reptile vet take a look at it.
  12. beeze

    Question about my female Veiled.

    She looks to be 5 or 6 months old and she could already have eggs.
  13. beeze

    Parsonii enclosure

    All I can say is WOW!!!!!!
  14. beeze

    Merry Christmas To All!

    Great photo of Luie. He looks at though he's in the holiday spirit. Merry Christmas everyone!
  15. beeze

    Misting system heater?

    I made an inline water heater from a Bunn Coffee maker Link to the heater that I made a couple years back and it's still working great.
  16. beeze

    Growth of one of my C. parsonii

    Very nice, I like the way you care for your animals.;)
  17. beeze

    Stanley at 8 months..

    Nice looking guy!!!
  18. beeze

    !First Timer Needing A Lot Of Advice!

    Welcome to the forums. Before you buy your chameleon test out your set up and make sure you have the heat and humidity correct before putting a cham in there. I would recommend buying from a member here in the classified section. Here's a link to pictures of my female veileds enclosure...
  19. beeze

    Tommy - Update

    Hoping that Tommy will have a full recovery very soon.
  20. beeze

    Shower Day "Pic Heavy"

    Good lookin cham collection.:)
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