Hello everyone, my female veiled chameleons is gravid, i came home tonight and she was asleep in her bowl that catches the water from her dripper, i keep it empty but it had about a millimeter of water in the corner and she was sleeping in it. I REALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD it scared me. i woke...
good news!!
So I am happy to say the Richter's tongue is better!!! I didn't have to get it amputated!! He is eating on his own! and shooting his tongue, its not swollen anymore and is normal color, its not falling out of his mouth anymore!! we didn't end up going to the vet, no one had open...
Thank you for your reply, I'm prepared to do watever it takes to keep him alive and healthy:) I figured it would have to be amputated but I was really hoping that was not the case:( is there anything I could get or do to make him eat, if I had to force feed I will noone can get him in for a...
Hello everyone,
my problem is I have a one yr old male veiled Cham who is having bad tongue problems it started about 3 days ago his tongue looked vary swollen and he stopped eating. He started to hangs his head, he opens his mouth like he is choking and shakes his head till his tongue falls...