any NY/Long Islanders going to the reptile expo @ the melville hilton this sunday? Im going to see if I can find a baby or juvi male Jacksonii Jacksonii or a deal on a reptifogger and baby cage. here is a link to the show plus directions
if you want to freeze it out fast, what you could do is get a can of air duster from a computer store, shake it up real good and turn it upside down so that the coolant comes out first instead of the air. it is VERY COLD and you could probably flash freeze the f****r right on the spot. try to...
take your biggest, heaviest boot, prop it up with a stick and tie a piece of string to it, place a piece of orange on the floor , under the boot and wait around the corner where the stinking roach cant see you then pull the string quickly once the little monster comes out of its hellhole to eat...
hey just a little FYI but there is a reptile expo this weekend in melville ny this sunday from 9am to 3pm @ the melville hilton. here is a link
I was picking up some feeders this evenng at my local store and I noticed that they had this new item for sale on the counter. The guy said it was some sort of glow in the dark fungus/mushroom but he didnt know anything about it outside that it glows once the lights are turned off. Does anyone...
I use regular orange slices, I just take the extra effort and peel away the skin so that the crix have direct access to the juicy fruit inside and swap it out every few days so that it doesnt rot and smell. same thing for grapes or apple slices. But those blue flukkers water crystals work fine...
This link is from a local vendor and he says that you can use any plastic soda container so i assume you can use size, from a 20 oz bottle upto a 3 liter bottle but not sure personally. here is the link to his youtube video of the fogger and how it works...
Instead of suing them, maybe yuo could report it to your local newspaper or other news agency so that the public could see what was going on behind closed doors.
I plan on buying him a larger cage soon but I was also considering getting a female. would that help him start to eat more, maybe try to coax him with the possiblity of some *nyuk nyuk nyuk?
I allow his crix to free range as well as the horn and superworms ( ive tried to cup feed them but they just crawl out, Ive had a few hornworms actually become moths but they died soon after). Ive seen him eat or rather heard the leaves move and see him chewing every once in a while but not to...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? male vieled, approx 10 mnths old, had him since may, 2011
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? only when cleaning cage, once a week at most and only when I have to...
Assuming that the age that Iwas told he was when I first purchased him was correct(2 months) then I would say that he is about 9-10 months old and he is a veiled cham.
either in health clinic or feeders but My cham hasent been eating as much as I would like him to or as suggested here on this forum. I feed him gut loaded crickets up to 3/4 inch size, hornworms, wax worms, meal worms, supers and Ive tried dubias but he just completely ignores those. He will...
well since my baby mt kenyan sale fell through I hope to see if I can find one at a local sale next month at the long island reptile expo but if I cant then maybe I can finally sum up the courage, and funds, to get me a kammers baby, maybe a little guy like this...
I was just wondering if any NY/LI breeders or sellers will be attending the March 25 reptile expo in Melville NY?