Thanks for the comments!!
Shes about 2 years old give or take, with a lot of attitude! She's so timid though at the same time doesn't move a muscle when I'm watching her unless she's pissed or there's food involved! First time I got pics of her looking like this so I was very excited!
Found out after my dog was scaring her, so when she saw me trying to get her out she wasn't happy!
Don't know why she was interested in my phone that day! I filtered them with instagram for my phone love how they came out!!
I'm in long island I moved my veiled by a window after bringing her inside for the storm. Lost power Sunday and got it back a few hours ago.. I'm in Nassau tho but hopefully you will get yours soon!
Good luck!!! I found my veiled twice sleeping on wires behind my tv! And once at the top of blinds on a window... Again good luck on your search and anticipating the post where you inform us that he has been found...
I would go with to each is own with chameleons everyone says they all have their own personality.. My dog chases everything that moves and my female veiled runs from anything that moves!! Unless there is food involved! Drives me nuts sometimes!
Thanks for the reply... I was hoping if anyone was from the area and actually dealt with her and could provide info on their experience with her. But I do see bot many members are from the NY area unfortunately. I did find her on the vets list and through the herp connection list a while back...
I am very anxious to know if anyone has some personal insight on good vets in the Long Island area. I've gone to 3 different vets, and from what I hear Dr Heidi Hoefer and Dr Robert Monaco are the best. The latter being the last i visited. The issue is that he and the other 2 vets I've seen all...
My girl layed 42 eggs and it took close or over a week for her to eat at all and even longer to show full interest in eating. She went on a hunger strike almost a month before she layed so it was more of a complicated situation since she got very weak and lost a lot of calcium. I am no expert...
They do have a croc and baby gators maybe that would give reason for an ASPCA visit along with the chams in bad shape but they most likely have permits for them. But I do doubt they have experience withe many reptiles. I do think much responsibility is in the hands of the breeder but the owner...