WHY would anyone abuse an animal this beautiful?


I rescued this gorgeous veiled from an abusive owner an craigslist. When I got him his face was burned. He must have got a nasty bite when little. His tail has many kinks probably from closing the enclosure on it. His tongue could barely shoot and often missed. He was extremely skinny. 2 weeks later under my care after many mistings, vitamin deficiency corrections, literally 400 crickets and 80 superworms later he is beginning to recover. He can now shoot his tongue a little further and is much more active.


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Glad a responsible keeper got him. As for your question. Who knows? Why do some ppl abuse their kids? Some ppl just shouldnt procreate or have pets. :rolleyes: Just glad the poor guy got a good keeper this time around. Amazing how they bounce back with proper care. At least the previous owner did a few things right. He looks like he doesnt have mbd. That is really sad, when they cant move and live comfortably because of lack of care.
i recued a veiled also. i got him off craigslist but the oener i got him from was already recuing him but didnt have enough room for him, as she had 10 other chams. she was taking creat care of him but just couldnt handle it. i decided to step in and hes doing fine now. was burnned ontop if his crest and would not eat. after a 3 weeks hes eating but the owner before tortured him with a spray bottle and if it comes close to him he attacks it. havnt ever "seen" him drink but his urates are healthy. seems if taken care of they can survive through anything if they have the will.
400 crickets and 80 superworms in two weeks? Easy tiger, you want them to gain weight slowly! Constipation and overload arent going to do him any favors either. Glad he's in your capable hands instead of the crappy conditions he was in!
He's gorgeous!

Some people have no respect for anything or anyone else. I rescued a female panther after watching a guy throw her across the room from her cage to a plant. He thought it was funny I on the other hand did not. After a few choice words I went home with a couple new chameleons and a strong hope he wont ever buy another pet.

Goodluck with your little guy!
He is pretty docile for a veiled.


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poor little guy!!!!! thank god there are people with a heart out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! "we and he" are soooooo glad that you took him in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done on your rescue, good to see there is people out there who care for these beautiful critters! You should name him chip seeing has he has a chip of chameleon missing!! lol
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