It's easy to make accusations like that over the internet, isn't it. :rolleyes:
Like I said, I have never met a friendly pit, and until the day I do, I will continue to critcize them.
I know how to train dogs, and this dog was absolutley untrainable, we tried EVERYTHING for 3 straight...
That is not what Mike at FL Chams told me. I bought it from him, he said it should only be eating 4-5 1/4" crix per day right now, and he'll eat more as he gets older, is this incorrect information?
When I first got him, I listened to you guys and put 10 in there each day, and each night I...
LIKE I SAID, I know how to train a dog, and this dog was untrainable, we tried everything, even professional trainers, nothing worked for this dog, she was stupid plain and simple.
I am truley amazed at some peoples ARROGANCE and IGNORANCE. It's so easy to know it all, isnt it kid?
Who do...
Incorrect? No. I think I knew my own fucking dog, thanks. It was untrainable, the vet suggested putting her down from 6 months old, but we couldn't, when she attacked out cousin (4 years old - 14 stiches) that was the last straw.
Like I said, there could have been something mentally wrong...
That is good to here, yours are perfectly healthy right?
I honestly see no need for it right now, when I put him into a larger (24x24x48) then I will use a dripper, but in such a small enclosure, with barley any room for a drip tray, I see no need.
Owners? No. It was the dog.
This dog was untrainable, we have owned many dogs (~11) and it's not like we did not know what we what we are doing. :rolleyes:
I have owned boxers, dobermans, rotts, great danes, choclate labs, and a few huskies, we know how to own and train big/agressive...
I have a baby male veiled (~8wks) and I was wondering how often he is supposed to do his "duty" each day?
I am only asking because I have had him for about 3 weeks, and I clean his cage every week, and when I cleaned this morning, I only noticed maybe 3-4different poop spots.
Is that...
I was thinking, if the crix are eating my silkies, why even bother? My cham is still getting the silkie either way, right? :D
I tried to cup feed today, he hasn't ate yet.
If I see him drinking 2-3 times a day, I see no need for a dripper, so if he is drinking, his urates are fine, why bother? Like a famous man once said, if it aint broke don't fix it. :D
My cham does not eat all the cirx I put in there daily, and I can't always find them at night to take them out, I don't know where, but they hide somewhere, I sometimes wake up and fine 1-2 crix in there, but not everyday.
Ill put a new lightbulb in the morning, and why would I use a drip system? The humidity is already high enough, and he is drinking when I mist, I watchim drink 2-3 times a day, and his urates are white.
I am looking for a screen cage, it's just not in my budget right now. He is small enough...
I don't mist him direclty, I was told not too on here til he is older, he is only 9-10 weeks old right now. I spray down the cage with a small spray bottle using warm water 2-4 times a day based on the humidity.
I sometimes let the mist kinda fall on him, like spray above him, he HATES it...
Yeah, I am feeding the crix.
I would put the silkies in first, but he does not eat in front of me, and I don't have all day to sit and wait for him to eat all his silkies to wait to put the crix in.
I gutload them 1-2 days before feeding them to my cham. I have ~500 in a tub in my...
Ever since I got my chameleon, he would never cup feed, so I just let crix free roam. I recently decided to get some silkworms for him (1/4") and put a few in there on the branch by my cham to see if he would eat them, but I noticed my crix snatch them and eat them!
The silkies were in there...
Would high humidity cause him to close his eyes?
Cause when I think about, he really only closes his eyes after mistings, when the humidity shoots up to 80-95%.
As for the temps, Ill try a brighter bulb. I am using a 65W, ill try different ones to see what I get.
My chameleon seems to love to figure out ways to get on the screen top, and crawl upside down, and he usually hangs out right under the basking light, I have it about 2" off the top for his saftey, but I am now thinking that he is not warm enough, and this may be why he likes to get on the roof...