6 month ambilobe his greens are actually yellow in person camera phone doesnt catch it. I am going to try and show him a female or his reflection later today and see if I can get him fired up.
I didnt think that they deleted individual posts I thought they deleted whole threads until earlier yesterday when this happened to me for the first time actually on this specific thread. I wasnt trying to be rude and I didnt use obscenitys I just felt offended that someone would captivate the...
Sage how come you didnt do anything since march when u posted this https://www.chameleonforums.com/cham-weirdddddd-side-79523/
? Im not trying to start a controversy, im just questioning why your thinking this just happened when clearly in March you suspected the same thing but he was still...
I wish Ed Kammer would give some insight on this as they have said they work with a closed breeding colony. He has told me there wouldn't be a problem breeding the father with one of his offspring. I myself have never done this but they have been in business longer than most and I'm sure they...
I was just going to say that, I could only imagine what parasites and diseases these wc geckos and anoles have. Probably like 9 outta 10 of them would be carrying some sort of nasty body snatcher that you would pass onto your Cham.
I tend to go with cricket crack which is a dry gut load made up of a bunch of nutrients. You can buy it off of Swiss he is a member on here and I put an orange slice in with crickets for water? I tend to forget to change the veggies on the regular so this method works well for me and a lot of...
Score card: power head butts and knockdowns is how it would be scored. Just one joke cause this is such a stupid idea and I cant believe some members are supporting it. I think everyone who is thinking this could be a good experiment or supporting this and possibly trying to find some scientific...
You arent filming a territorial dispute for the discovery channel in the middle of the jungle where you stumbled across two jacksons chameleons in nature are you? So its not what national geographic does there actually in Kenya or wherever jacksons naturally occur and catch something like...
Im sorry but fighting chams doesnt need to be done to improve things and that wasnt the intention of the member who did this. That just sounded like such nonsense I needed to comment. Fighting your chameleons isnt going to improve your breeding stock or your husbandry technique. Its just someone...
Does anybody own a herpkeeper from digitalaquatics.com? If so I wanted to get some feedback on it. It looks like a really good product with so many custom items so you can custom-build your own environmental controller the way you want it. It has so many extras to add on this seems like one of...
I seem to usually have the opposite happen were they wont eat crickets. This really isnt a problem because you can gutload crickets so easily and crickets are very easy to acquire for cham owners. Have you tried superworms? They move a lot which will usually get your chams interest to try one. I...
I just had another clutch hatch from the same pairing but a lot are accounted for. I have about 10 males left for whoever would like one. Pm me to let me know I will be sending out pics next week to everyone who already requested them. Thanks everyone for the comments!