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  1. Clifford

    Are your chams drinking from a dripper..?

    Water drippers are easy, clean, contained, and above all effective. I hardly ever mist (just to ease shedding and such)
  2. Clifford

    Mushrooms growing in my Schefflera?

    If the mushroom has opened, there are probably already spores released, so you may get more in the house after you pull out the one you have growing.
  3. Clifford

    Portfolio update..

    You should consider a photography career. Great pictures!
  4. Clifford

    calcium dusting

    I dust with calcium lightly on almost every insect. Like JannB, I use a D2 calcium less often, about every other week. If your chameleon goes out in the real sunshine, you may not need the D3 at all. I use a vitamin powder once a week, but only on one insect, so its not much at all. I...
  5. Clifford

    xray - are there eggs here?

    Thank you everyone for your input and well wishes. The laying bin is in her normal cage. It takes up the entire (well, 99%) of the bottom of the cage. I do this with all my females, so that I dont have to move them when laying time comes. I am pretty good at reading my girls, and the...
  6. Clifford

    White Spots?

    Extra calcium coming out its nostrils? Bits of dead skin?
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