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  1. Eltortu

    FIFA World Cup - Brasil 2014

    Hi Laurie! Can't wait until next week for two weeks of the greatest sport of the whole galaxy and beyond!
  2. Eltortu

    FIFA World Cup - Brasil 2014

    98 days away and can't wait for the Brazuca to roll on the grass. Final game Germany-Argentina, with Germany winning 2-0. USA sad to say, will not go to the next round.
  3. Eltortu

    Tiki tiki reptiles?

    Absolutely trustworthy and great dude to get stuff from.
  4. Eltortu

    Im so, so very tired...

    Greetings homie. The grass is green on the other side people say. I think its all the
  5. Eltortu

    Veiled Shedding or Dry Skin?

    Where did you get that information?
  6. Eltortu

    New Year, New Resolutions

    We all make those promises of eating better, start to go to the gym, get along with others(that's a hard one for me), etc at the end of the year. But, how long before those resolutions go out the window? Your say...
  7. Eltortu

    Happy New Year!

    Here we go again, another year went by in a blink of an eye. Hope for a better year to all...and a better batch of new members. Ha! :D
  8. Eltortu


    Namaste dude.
  9. Eltortu

    Happy Hanukah!

    Title says it all...but from what part of the animal do the Matzo balls come from? :D
  10. Eltortu

    Goble! Goble!

    Oh no! Another year went by and here we are, getting ready for another gathering. Have a great Thanksgiving!
  11. Eltortu

    one eye closed please help

    Seriously? Have you try looking in the phone book?
  12. Eltortu

    I miss Steve Irwin

  13. Eltortu

    Cat may have cancer. Anyone with experience out there? ...pssst...Dayna...

    October looks more like Friday, but what do I know...but with you as his master he is in good hands. Cancer can be a byatch and you have to stay on top of it. Good luck dude.
  14. Eltortu

    Signing off, Thanks Chameleon Forums

    Chau loco!
  15. Eltortu

    Happy Birthday to Ferretinmyshoes

    If I wink at you, you should ;) Happy belated Birthday!
  16. Eltortu

    Women reptile lovers??

    Yeah! Hello there!
  17. Eltortu

    new guy from China

    Ni hao dude.
  18. Eltortu


    Nice and cool evening outside!
  19. Eltortu

    My alien arrived

    Laurie is a Master Jedi.
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