FIFA World Cup - Brasil 2014


Established Member
98 days away and can't wait for the Brazuca to roll on the grass. Final game Germany-Argentina, with Germany winning 2-0. USA sad to say, will not go to the next round.
98 days away and can't wait for the Brazuca to roll on the grass. Final game Germany-Argentina, with Germany winning 2-0. USA sad to say, will not go to the next round.

I am just glad to see you, I miss my friends, don't stay gone so long.
Hi Laurie! Can't wait until next week for two weeks of the greatest sport of the whole galaxy and beyond!
Lol The US never makes it very far. I'll be watching the games too, it's the only sporting event I follow.
I am not much of a sports fan, but I will go learn enough to watch and sort of know what is going on. I will feel educated.
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