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    How long between displaying gravid colors and laying eggs?

    Hi, I have a fourteen month old Panther Chameleon that has not been bred. Just this week, she started displaying gravid colors, stopped eating (at least, not as much), and has been pacing the flower pot that holds her Weeping Fig. She's also visibly fat so I'm pretty sure she's ready to lay...
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    Enclosure Building Questions.

    (B) looks to be a reptarium. Reptariums don't have doors. They have zippers and the mesh screen fits around a PVC frame and then zippers shut. (a) is an aluminium screen cage. It's essentially window screen panels screwed together. There are multiple reasons for the bottom panel: it makes...
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    Outdoor setups in Texas? (100 degree weather)

    Another thing to consider.. at least in Austin, we get nasty wind/hail storms every couple years. And we did get a pretty good freeze last year. I think if you also had a temporary indoor home that could be used it would be okay. I've been considering doing this myself actually.
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    Chams in Texas?

    I live in Austin and use screen cages. I block one side of the screen cage with corrugated plastic to provide a visual barrier but otherwise, just have a misting system go off 4 times a day, for about 3 minutes at a time. I haven't had any issues with stuck shed or dehydration. Drainage is...
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    Question about wood sealant on a custom enclosure...

    Even water-based polyurethane is nasty stuff. I wouldn't eat directly off of it. Look for "food grade" wood sealer. That's the same type of stuff that would be used to make wooden bowels meant for eating out of. Usually, these sealers need to be reapplied occasionally as they are not...
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    Aluminum cages, pros and cons.

    I've had aluminum mesh cages for many years. Even with being almost constantly wet, they haven't deteriorated at all. Look at your exterior windows, the stuff clearly doesn't degrade in any short period of time (it's the same screening). It certainly is pretty easy to accidentally poke...
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    looking into getting a cham. many Q's

    Yet I dont need something I can "play" with either, a nice display animal is fine. In terms of lizards, I have found Chameleons to be the most challenging as they are very sensitive to their environment. If you provide the right environment, they are pretty easy to care for but it requires a...
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    Question about misting System

    I don't know how you're tying down the tubing, but Marty sells fasteners that screw and hold the tubing tightly against the wall. You don't really need a lot of them, just to make sure that where ever the tubing may touch something, it's secured down. With the right amount of fasteners, the...
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    electronic timer

    Yeah, the timer Marty sells also has a rechargable battery which is a huge plus.
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    Help forum members

    Best to keep them in an air-tight opaque container. I made a bunch of water crystals and stored them in glad-ware containers near a window. They are now green with algae.
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    Where does the water go?

    I just finished setting up my drainage system. I'm using the LLL Reptile drain pans and followed the instructions from this post. I simply ran a length of 1/2" PVC between the three trays and then used a T fitting to drain the water to below the table into a 5 gallon bucket.
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    Sealing wood on cham enclosures?

    You want to look for a food grade sealant. There are an awful lot of options but most will require being refinished over time. Even with the best finish, wood is not a stable material overtime in the presence of moisture. I'd suggest a hybrid approach where you used wood for the structural...
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    Crickets Freakin' Stink! any suggestions on de-oderizing them?

    I go through about 1000 crickets every few weeks. I use 66-quart Sterilite bins with two very large holes cut on each end covered by aluminum window screening. I use flat egg crates that are cut in half and then glued together so that they stand up vertically. This way all of the droppings...
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    If your thinking about breeding crix...

    Those are Sterilite ClearView bins.
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    Photo Copyrights - Protect Your Images!

    In the US, you don't have to do anything for copyright law to be enforced. In some countries, you have to explicitly declare something as copyrighted for copyright protection to kick in so generally it's best to use a copyright marker. In either case, copyright starts out as totally...
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