Photo Copyrights - Protect Your Images!

Chris Anderson

Dr. House of Chameleons
Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately copyright piracy, image theft, and other forms of copyright infringement are an extremely common problem now-a-days. Too many keyboard jockeys think they have the right to take your hard work and use it for their own use and gain without your permission or credit. Well guess what, not only is it unprofessional, rude, inconsiderate and low, its also illegal!

From the second the shutter snaps and a photograph is taken, it is protected by copyright. You do not have to put a copyright logo, date, or name on the image for it to be protected by copyright. Unfortunately, too many people think that if it doesn't have such markings directly on the image, it is fair game, even though it is not. While you are able to sue individuals who use unmarked photographs for damages, issue DMCA Takedown Requests to their hosting companies to have the images removed from their site, etc., its always a good idea to discourage such inconsiderate people from taking your image in the first place by putting a copyright logo, year, and your name on the image before you share it with anyone or post it online. There are many programs available to put text onto digital images: Photoshop, Picture-shark (which is free), etc.

In addition to stealing photographs, many of these individuals are also stealing the information written by others in the same way. This is Intellectual Property Theft and also a violation of copyright. Both are equally despicable and the individuals who do it, in my opinion, are incredibly inconsiderate, rude and unprofessional.

Many of the users on this forum were recently the victims of a mass infringement of many of our photos but fortunately we were able to put a stop to it. We should all be aware that even members of this forum can, will and do infringe the copyrights of others, even other forum members, and as a community, I don't think this behavior should be tolerated and on the forum itself, it is not permitted (

Please be careful to do everything you can to protect your hard work and property by discouraging copyright violators from stealing your images. Sometimes all it takes is putting a copyright, year and name on the image before you send it to anyone or post it. If you find photos or information that you suspect are not being used with permission of the photographer/author or with proper credit, please notify the photographer or source. If your work is being used without your permission, don't be complacent. Put a stop to it and let them know that it is unacceptable. If contacting the individual about taking your work down does not work, here is a tutorial on issuing a DMCA Takedown Request to have the hosting company do it for you:

We've all worked hard and put a lot of time and money into the information we've written and the photos we've taken. Don't let someone else steal your efforts for their own use and benefit!


This is very wise and a very important thread thanks for providing the information...

Good thread. Unfortunately the internet is a big place and not every stolen picture can be found...

However, I have seen people gain a lot of popularity from a "stolen" image! As long as the name etc. is not removed.. and proper credit is given... is that fine?
Good thread. Unfortunately the internet is a big place and not every stolen picture can be found...

However, I have seen people gain a lot of popularity from a "stolen" image! As long as the name etc. is not removed.. and proper credit is given... is that fine?

Only if the image is explicitly provided as an open source image by the photographer (such as wikipedia, Stock Images etc.). Otherwise, you have to have their permission. A user posting their images on a forum thread, their website, or alowing someone else to post it on their website does not give you the legal right to reuse or repost that image without their permission.

Good point. Take a look at this...

I guess even our site sponsors sometimes need a refresher in copyright laws. Or perhaps they paid for permission to use this. Haha right

Check out the original site at


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Chigimonky - This would be the perfect time to notify the owner of about the banner and ask if it was approved by them. If the company obtained their permission, its all good, otherwise, its definitely a problem. Theoretically, if a company were to use a photograph without permission to represent animals for sale or as an advertisement, the copyright holder could sue for a portion of the infringing party's sales, which could be a very large amount of money depending on the company.

As another example, if you look at the website WWW.CHAMELEONHIVE.CO.UK (the website of a fellow chamforums member who will remain nameless), you'll find that the photos on the "Panther's" page are stollen from the FL Chams website and the information content on each page was lifted off of various sites and forums (a google search using a portion of the text from any page will lead you to the source). Having dropped Mike from FL Chams off at the airport this morning, I know for a fact this individual was not given permission to use these photos and there is absolutely no credit for the photos or information anywhere on the site. This individual, however, is under the misguided impression that:

"ALL the photos on my site are 'edited' versions of non copyrighted images taken from various places. As the versions are neither copyrighted in the first place and have been edited before placing on the site IPR doesnt apply."

Unfortunately, this is absolutely not the case but it seems that violating copyright law, in addition to being completely dishonest, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, and unprofessional in taking the content and information without permission and failing to give the rightful owners credit doesn't seem to matter to this individual.

Its a shame that people resort to this type of thing when they can't come up with their own work.

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Thanks I have had problems about this in the past and not had to many answers about what should be done. This thread is a good reference. Thanks again Chris.
Good Thread, one of my good friends is actually trying to get some of his pictures down from Top Gear. Because they took the pictures and removed the Watermarks and did not give him credit or anything. He called the Producers and they said thats how its done across the Pond.
Good Thread, one of my good friends is actually trying to get some of his pictures down from Top Gear. Because they took the pictures and removed the Watermarks and did not give him credit or anything. He called the Producers and they said thats how its done across the Pond.
Were they in some Asiatic country? Copyright laws are different or nonexistent over there in some countries.
Chigimonky - This would be the perfect time to notify the owner of about the banner and ask if it was approved by them. If the company obtained their permission, its all good, otherwise, its definitely a problem. Theoretically, if a company were to use a photograph without permission to represent animals for sale or as an advertisement, the copyright holder could sue for a portion of the infringing party's sales, which could be a very large amount of money depending on the company.

As another example, if you look at the website WWW.CHAMELEONHIVE.CO.UK (the website of a fellow chamforums member who will remain nameless), you'll find that the photos on the "Panther's" page are stollen from the FL Chams website and the information content on each page was lifted off of various sites and forums (a google search using a portion of the text from any page will lead you to the source). Having dropped Mike from FL Chams off at the airport this morning, I know for a fact this individual was not given permission to use these photos and there is absolutely no credit for the photos or information anywhere on the site. This individual, however, is under the misguided impression that:

"ALL the photos on my site are 'edited' versions of non copyrighted images taken from various places. As the versions are neither copyrighted in the first place and have been edited before placing on the site IPR doesnt apply."

Unfortunately, this is absolutely not the case but it seems that violating copyright law, in addition to being completely dishonest, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, and unprofessional in taking the content and information without permission and failing to give the rightful owners credit doesn't seem to matter to this individual.

Its a shame that people resort to this type of thing when they can't come up with their own work.


LOL.... Chris please look at the footers on the site and thus you will see you are far mistaken. IPC are given to the owners of the imges. Should they in any case have any objection to the images being used then kindly ask them to email / call the support desk and they will be removed.

The Chamleon hive site is a site 'still under construction' and is a source of information for new users.... I cant see why YOU have a problem. I can see the owners of the images having a problem in which case they can contact the site and the images will be removed....

The line quoted in the UK for persons of your nature 'Jobsworths'
LOL.... Chris please look at the footers on the site and thus you will see you are far mistaken. IPC are given to the owners of the imges. Should they in any case have any objection to the images being used then kindly ask them to email / call the support desk and they will be removed.

The Chamleon hive site is a site 'still under construction' and is a source of information for new users.... I cant see why YOU have a problem. I can see the owners of the images having a problem in which case they can contact the site and the images will be removed....

The line quoted in the UK for persons of your nature 'Jobsworths'
If you are referring to your website, I see no footers other than "Create".

Why not just use your own images of your own chameleons? If you have good quality chameleons, there should be no reason to use others' images.

Yes it's a "source of information", but it's not YOUR information.
You could have gotten permission and linked back to the original site.
If they didn't give you permission -- too bad! It's NOT YOURS.

Your excuse that Chris should not have a problem is pathetic, not every chameleon-related site can crawl every single web page to make sure their images/care guides (etc.) are not being used.
Just because the owner has not contacted you does not mean they are giving you permission.

ETA: Your website's Common Problems page is all taken from here:

ETA2: ...
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LOL.... Chris please look at the footers on the site and thus you will see you are far mistaken. IPC are given to the owners of the imges. Should they in any case have any objection to the images being used then kindly ask them to email / call the support desk and they will be removed.

The Chamleon hive site is a site 'still under construction' and is a source of information for new users.... I cant see why YOU have a problem. I can see the owners of the images having a problem in which case they can contact the site and the images will be removed....

The line quoted in the UK for persons of your nature 'Jobsworths'

So rather than ask permission to use a photo, you just take the photo and use it until the owner happens to find it and object? Wow, talk about dishonest and unprofessional.

I sure don't see any credit in the footer or source information of the site and even if it is there, it is hidden and you don't have permission to use the content.

I have a problem because your mentality is the reason I have so many problems with my own photos and my own writings and I don't think we should support or encourage people who act in this manner. I also have a problem with people who don't know enough about something to write their own information or take their own photos so they just take it from someone else and thus represent themselves as someone who does.

We have names for people like you here in the US too. Some of them I've already referenced, others I'll keep to myself.

In the US, you don't have to do anything for copyright law to be enforced. In some countries, you have to explicitly declare something as copyrighted for copyright protection to kick in so generally it's best to use a copyright marker.

In either case, copyright starts out as totally restrictive. But if you're okay with people using your material for non-commercial purposes or even commercial purposes provided you receive attribution, then you need to explicitly license your work as such.

The most popular licenses for this are Creative Commons licenses.

So if you're okay with letting people have restricted use of your images, consider stating "Licensed under Create Commons Attribution 3.0" or "Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0".

For instance, if you had an image that you wanted to let people use as long as you received attribution, you could say:

Copyright (C) 2010 My Name
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
I received the following PM from Leedslad88, owner of

Leedslad88 said:
Thank you for pointing out that the images are infact copyrighted. I have taken the decision to remove the site from the net temporarily and use much of my own photos and literature. As the photos were taken directly from Google it is very hard to see where the image origionated and thus hard to add the credits for the particular site.

However, Defemation / slander of a particular company based on 'impectual facts' is also against the law in the UK. As your comments have and will affect directly the sales of the site and or the influx of users of the the site and the fact that your comments have portrayed a negative images of my site thus leading to a decrease in traffic. I kindly request that your comments are 'edited' and or removed from Chameleon Forums as soon as is possible. If shch action is not taken then i will have no other option than to take this matter further.

Furthermore, i hope that you can empathise that the images were not 'stolen' but rather taken without the knowledge of them being copyrighted and i have taken the decision to remove the site.

I do however look forward to your timely response.

Best Regards


First, its only defamation or slander if it isn't true. Secondly, don't make threats you don't have the legal ground to stand on. Third, I'm not changing a thing in this thread. Lastly, I hope you enjoy having everyone see the type of person you are.

Have a nice day Oliver.

I received the following PM from Leedslad88, owner of

First, its only defamation or slander if it isn't true. Secondly, don't make threats you don't have the legal ground to stand on. Third, I'm not changing a thing in this thread. Lastly, I hope you enjoy having everyone see the type of person you are.

Have a nice day Oliver.


THank you Chris, However, can i kindly request that you read your legal rights in the UK they can be found on this link.
THank you Chris, However, can i kindly request that you read your legal rights in the UK they can be found on this link.

Thank you for proving my point. Its only libel/defamation/slander if it is not true.

One thing you fail to realize is that failure to understand the law is not a defense for breaking it. The result is that failure to know that a photo was copyrighted is not a defense for breaking copyright law. Your defense that you got the images off google isn't a reasonable defense either. Google is a search engine, not an open source photo catalog and finding the origin of the photos is as simple as clicking on them. Since the first two definitions of stealing are "to take (the property of another) without right or permission" and "to present or use (someone else's words or ideas) as one's own," and thats exactly what you did, saying you stole the images is not libelous.

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