My male veiled just jumped off my hand and fell about 5 feet and landed on his head and it didnt seem to phase him at all. Glad to hear your chameleon is alright!
That is true which is why some people should stick with easy pets like dogs and cats. If a person is willing to learn and put forth the time and effort it takes to properly care for a chameleon then I dont see anything wrong with keeping a chameleon as a pet!:)
Lucky bastard gettin to have your pets at work!:) I dont really have a job I could do that but if I had an office job or a workplace I was at all day I definitely would do that. Would almost make me look forward to going to work each day.:)
Well im going now to get a showerhead so we"ll see how his shower goes tonight when I get home.:) He's gonna be one pissed-off lizard! And thanks everyone for posting and helping me out with this!
Ive got a big disposable plastic cup that ive made into a halfassed dripper but I dont use it much. I dont have any sort of mist setting on my showerhead so what would be the best way to give him a shower?
The only time he seems to try and eat leaves is when i am misting so im sure you are right there. Im gonna try and find him a different plant that he can actually bite through and eat. And yes, the static electricity up here is freaking ridiculous! I actually got shocked a couple times today...