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  1. firecat998

    Sizes for a veilds

    thanks we think so too iam just going to add more pics of her in my gallery
  2. firecat998

    new owner

    hiya i dont either welcme to the group!!!!!!
  3. firecat998

    Sizes for a veilds

    hiya thanks that was helpful.Thanks for saying shes a good size vieled she has a cute face.
  4. firecat998

    Sizes for a veilds

    we got of a person that had no info on the chameleon that we got as in age even where she came from the snout to vent length is arrox 4 inches just trying to get som idea of her age its a female vield chameleon by the way.theres a photo of her in my gallery if you need to see a photo.
  5. firecat998

    How do I apply for the photo contest??

    thanks ive been wondering that too oh where do u send the photograph too?
  6. firecat998

    Light Bulbs

    we dont use a light bulb for the basking spot as its so cold here in the uk we use infra red heating system the light bulb is purely for the cham to know when its daytime and night time i was just wondering if the bulb might be a little bright for her eyes so i was asking what watt bulb everyone...
  7. firecat998

    Sizes for a veilds

    could people give me snout to vent length along with ages please for veiled chameleons thanks
  8. firecat998

    Comment by 'firecat998' in media 'Cruzin indoor enclosure'

    he's gorgeous colours well nice
  9. firecat998

    Light Bulbs

    well she is a veiled shes only young (pic of her in my gallery) not sure on her age she is kept in a wooden vivaruim because we live in the uk its far to cold to kept her in a mesh or screen vivaruim her temprature is 29 degrees celsius
  10. firecat998

    Too many animals!!!

    ive got a kitten well shes 9 months she's now classed as a young cat.i also got 2 grey ratsnakes,caine toad,veiled chameleon,water dragons,leopard gecko's and 2 cornsnakes.
  11. firecat998

    Light Bulbs

    What wattage light bulb is every one using?
  12. firecat998

    Comment by 'firecat998' in media 'Conan with Santa Hat'

    well what a handsom guy u got there hes gorgeous
  13. firecat998

    Comment by 'firecat998' in media 'Juvenile flapneck'

    aww he's so cute
  14. firecat998


    My chameleon is very alert and always looking around she does however take a few naps a day shes only young we have had her a week now so iam hoping its just because shes getting used to our day time hours.we turn her light on at around 9am and turn it off between 9pm and 11pm we spray her 3...
  15. firecat998

    for those with leopard geckos

    hello hiya we kept leopard gecko's for a number of years and there's one thing ill say dont give him mealworms they can eat there way thru the stomachs if the leopard gecko doesnt chew them up properly.They can however eat wax worms but only as a treat because they are very fatty.
  16. firecat998

    why does everything bad happen to me

    hiya iam sorry to hear this bad news its awfull losing a pet we lostour cat last year in august it still hurts to talk about him now.
  17. firecat998

    My saltwater tanks (pics)

    these are cool i love salt water fish tanks the fish a so pretty
  18. firecat998


    aww there well cool
  19. firecat998


    sorry to hear about ur little beardy
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