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Hey everyone,
I have kept seahorses for a number of years along with my chameleons. I currently keep a trio of Hippocampus erectus in my 65 gallon saltwater tank. They are actually the only reason that I still have a tank set up. Anyway, I've noticed alot of similarities between chams and seahorses and I am curious if anyone else has noticed these. Some of the similarities include their color changing abilities, independent eyes, prehensile tail, unique eating habits, and normally only accepting live food. I also noticed that their is a species of seahorse called Hippocampus cameleopardalis, also known as Giraffe seahorse.
This is very close to panthers scientific name. Just thought that this was very interesting and would like other people thoughts on the subject. I also wanted to know if any other chameleon enthusiasts have seahorses too. Thanks for reading.
I have kept seahorses for a number of years along with my chameleons. I currently keep a trio of Hippocampus erectus in my 65 gallon saltwater tank. They are actually the only reason that I still have a tank set up. Anyway, I've noticed alot of similarities between chams and seahorses and I am curious if anyone else has noticed these. Some of the similarities include their color changing abilities, independent eyes, prehensile tail, unique eating habits, and normally only accepting live food. I also noticed that their is a species of seahorse called Hippocampus cameleopardalis, also known as Giraffe seahorse.