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  1. Jono

    New free range design

    Nice idea, looks great. I've had a similar one rolling around my head for awhile. Instead of using plastic siding at the bottom I thought of creating a square perspex trough angled upwards and outwards. This would catch any moisture (and any falling lizards) and also make it impossible for...
  2. Jono

    Least aggressive

    The smaller species esp. bradypodion :) I'll post a video some time.
  3. Jono

    Million-dollar beds fuel Madagascar timber crisis

    This could just as well be an article on wild caught chameleons. Regardless of the restrictions and legislation in your own country, if it's sourced from a 3rd world country, there is a very good chance the resource is being blatantly abused and mismanaged despite of local laws. If you are...
  4. Jono

    Bradypodion Damaranum

    Thanks guys. Yes his infection cleared up smartly within 4 days of the baytril. Of the babies 3 finally made it through all those damn heat waves we had last summer. I kept this one which I'm sure is a male and his peach colored sibling (below) which we think is a female. I gave the last baby to...
  5. Jono

    Bradypodion Damaranum

    It's been awhile since I've managed to catch Rex in his fired up colors, he always dulls once he sees the camera and gets distracted. Not so happy with this one as the light was quite low so had to tweak it up a bit.
  6. Jono

    Bradypodion transvaalense breeding group

    Beautiful little guys!
  7. Jono

    What are your chameleons names?

    What we decided to call them and what we ended up calling them: George The mum (Initially Basil but once a mum, always the mum) Friendly (Initially Rosemary) Rex (Short for Tyrannosaurus Rex) Fly baby (Initially Fry as in small fry, the smallest of the clutch)
  8. Jono

    My precious Acuminatus babies!

    Go babies! :D What cute little fellows. I know what you mean about the ones that don't make it, my heart broke for each of the dwarfs that didn't make it from my last clutch. The ones that did are my pride and joy now so more than worth it in the end. Best advice is definitely to make sure the...
  9. Jono

    Veiled cham eats vegetables?

    Grab a packet of mixed green seeds and plant them in two small pots out side in the sun. Once you have a decent patch of green leaves put one of them in the cage and your cham will eat them right off the stalks. Swap the pot in the cage with the one in the sun every few days so they can recover...
  10. Jono

    Wild Caught. Pros and Cons

    Con: proliferating a market which is largely unregulated and generally involves the death of many chameleons by ignorant/greedy collectors/exporters on the African/Madagascan side of the operation. The regulations set out by the countries receiving the shipments only start with what arrives...
  11. Jono

    little mites on plants

    Keep them FAR away from all your other plants until your are 100% sure all teh bugs are gone ;)
  12. Jono

    those annoying gnats, aphids, and ants

    Interesting will give it a try next time the aphids hit my pots of cham greens and herbs. Do you know if there are any that would eat black spot fungus? I've been using an organic copper based fungicide but it keeps coming back, at the point where I'm thinking of chucking the effected plants.
  13. Jono


    I have a 8 month old female Damaranum who is a chronic sleepwalker. :D She will change position in her tree 2 or 3 times some nights, moving 20cm or more each time up or down several branches with her eyes closed. Quite a distance for her size. Initially she was one of the the babies I was...
  14. Jono

    Baytril dilution

    Thanks and thanks Yes it's my juvenile damaranum male (so in retrospect this is the 3rd time he has got mouth rot in the last 9months). The initial cause was a 'bad' batch of fruit flies. As you can't buy them here I cultured them from wild flies which were the source of the bacteria. They all...
  15. Jono

    Bad Aim?

    I feel inclined to answer this as I've seen it come up a few times without any real resolution and I've encountered the same problem. Overnight my veiled started missing his food. He showed no sign of ill-health or discomfort, just a sudden loss of precision when shooting feeders. Out of...
  16. Jono

    Baytril dilution

    Just want to check my maths RE: diluting Baytril for Rex. His damn mouth rot is back, it seems to relapse every 6 months now regardless of what I do :mad: Same feeders and conditions for all my chams but Rex is the only one who seems to be sensitive to it. I got my herp vet to fax the...
  17. Jono


    Hello all, been awhile, been busy but still pop in to check the forums as often as I can just haven't really had time to take photos or post recently. Two questions about bugs eating my plants. I have an awesome schleffera which has started to lose it leaves due to red spider mites. What...
  18. Jono

    How do your chameleons sleep?

    All four of my dwarfs sleep in the same spot as long as I place the plants at the same angle once I bring them inside. If I'm careful I can get George off his outside tree and into his cage without waking him up. Here are some pics from awhile back of him and one of the babies when they were a...
  19. Jono

    my new invention

    Now there will always be something on TV worth watching :) Nice idea! Make sure you've cleaned out all the nasty chemicals (such as lead) associated with electronics manufacturing.
  20. Jono

    WC Werneri long horn

    What beautiful colours and textures! Like autumn leaves :) Will follow these with much interest
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