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  1. JoshCrane1

    Gears of War 2 for xbox 360

    still havent beatin campaign yet, will update when i do. but so far i think the whole worm level is kinda lame.
  2. JoshCrane1

    beding for supers

    x2 i even house the supers and crickets together.
  3. JoshCrane1

    Female Jackson not eating

    be sure to put down some paper towels, cuz worm poo is nasty splattering stink-ness.
  4. JoshCrane1

    Gears of War 2 for xbox 360

    GOT MY copy at gamestop last night at midnight, only played it for an hour or so but so far its looking pretty awesome!!! wish i could fight a giant chameleon
  5. JoshCrane1

    What else can i feed my Veiled ??

    i give collards as treats for my male cham, he will run across to the cage to much them outa my hand.
  6. JoshCrane1

    cage bottom

    x2 makes cleaning poo easy too.
  7. JoshCrane1

    How old do you think My Veiled Cham Is ?

    looking at snout,gular, and casque i would aproximate she being 7-9 mo.
  8. JoshCrane1


    mine did that as well, normal in my opinion; they will find the easier way eventually.
  9. JoshCrane1

    American Grasshopper

    just tried feeding i believe these grasshoppers to my cham, and both regurgitated them, i think when they start to get larger than a 1 1/2 inches their shell is very strong and hard to digest.
  10. JoshCrane1

    Crickets "don't stick" to tongue? PLEASE HELP!

    compact flourescent bulbs are very bad!!! linear uvb bulbs only.
  11. JoshCrane1

    Wondering about Sandfire Superfood's "chamleon dust".

    theres been a few threads about the same dust, i use it occasionally but not every day(about once a month), all in one supplements prove to oversupplement your cham. for example,if you notice it has d3 in it, d3 shouldnt be used everyday. i used it exclusively for my last chams and looking back...
  12. JoshCrane1

    Ch. calyptratus locale and colourmorphs

    sunburst x turquoise here.
  13. JoshCrane1

    House Flies for sale

    so your selling the flies with food correct? will the amound of food be enough for all the flies? and can you ship to south florida? i will most likely be ordering some from you, havent tried flies yet.
  14. JoshCrane1

    Three Pictures

    on my desktop backround for the rest of the lab to see!!!
  15. JoshCrane1


    :eek: yikes!!!
  16. JoshCrane1


    leave em alone. buy gloves if they are too sharp.
  17. JoshCrane1

    Veiled Chameleon

    i started hand feeding my veileds collard greens at age 5 mo. my male would live on collards if i let him.
  18. JoshCrane1

    pictures of your setup mine
  19. JoshCrane1

    How to hang pothos?

    mine did for a while, pothos seem to do a little better in indirect light.
  20. JoshCrane1

    How much should my guy be eating now?

    feed them as much as they want, my chams are 7-8months and i feed a dozen or so large crix every other day.
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