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  1. eriksorg

    Hugh at One Year of Age

    DANG!!!!That boy has sure grown-up!!!!!!
  2. eriksorg


    Hey people...check-out the post " WHITE OUSTALETS"..they weren't albino, just something odd that happened
  3. eriksorg

    Oustalet Pics 10 months

    Niiiiiiiice!!!!!!! But you may want to keep your son away from those ousties....they will eat just about anything....LOL..LOL..
  4. eriksorg

    Dumb Question about Springtails

    Oh yes they will...its best to keep them in a covered container...they love the moisture...
  5. eriksorg

    Why are the babies dying from this clutch?!?! PLEASE HELP

    In my experience, don't mess with them...the strongest ones will hatch on their own...
  6. eriksorg

    Why are the babies dying from this clutch?!?! PLEASE HELP

    Hatchrite will dry out....take a big fat pinch of it you feel any moisture??? If so ,then good!!!
  7. eriksorg

    Why are the babies dying from this clutch?!?! PLEASE HELP

    Maybe your hatchrite is to wet or dry???!!! And what is your incubation temps???...humidity??? Sorry for the ton of questions, but it helps!!!
  8. eriksorg


    Thank you!!!
  9. eriksorg


    Get your self a piece of banana or even just any old fruit..put it in a cup...that you can cover,stick it outside...wait............You just maybe surprised!!!!!
  10. eriksorg

    ant attack!

    The ants that are the problem here are an Argentine invader...kinda small and they are hard to get rid of...not a good feeder of any kind
  11. eriksorg

    ant attack!

    I've used a cat litter pan filled with water...set a couple of small bricks in it...your cricket bin on the bricks... and you now have a moat...
  12. eriksorg

    Vermiculite or Hatchrite

    Used them both...hatched Oustalets and Panthers...And I prefer the hatchrite...had a much better hatch rate with it..
  13. eriksorg

    rescuing SENEGAL cham.from pet store!!URGENT PLEASE RESPOND!!

    It is great what you want to do, but rescuing a possibility very fragile animal from a questionable pet store is only going to support that store,and encourage them to purchase more for sale....hate to be so negative...but this happens all the from a more reliable source...
  14. eriksorg

    Eggs with Spotting?

    Well... looks like that's not the issue! Can you post pictures of the eggs?
  15. eriksorg

    Eggs with Spotting?

    Not familiar with that product... Does it have any type or additives in it???
  16. eriksorg

    Eggs with Spotting?

    What were they laid in?...sand or potting soil
  17. eriksorg

    Who's chams accept dubias and who's dont???

    Thats one of my Radiated tortoises...he's now 20 years old!!! He also weights about 20lbs
  18. eriksorg

    Who's chams accept dubias and who's dont???

    For what its worth...its not a great idea to leave a bunch of crickets running around the cage...they do bite...and a lot of them will tend to "freak-out" most chameleons...
  19. eriksorg

    Best Way to Ship a Cham

    I've got some 3/4" insulated boxes if you need...local pick-up only!!! I get my cups from"smart and final"..the cloth vented insect lids ,that work great with the cups for shipping and for raising fruit flys,at "superior shipping"...
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