Yay! New babies are sooo much fun! Hard to tell with the crappy pics, but I think myabe close to 4? What locale is he and where did you get him? I vote Konani :)
Make sure the rocks are too big for your Cham to eat! As for the ficus, they can be tempermental...everytime I moved mine it would drop just about every leaf, but they always came back!
Ohhh!!! She is soooo cute! I remember when my little lady was cute and litte. Now she's a big fat pig! My girlie is "Pascal" so might as well have a girlie "Rango"! I just love those animated movies!
I think it's awesome I am not the only animal addicted one out there. They own most of my house, my budget and my time! I have a coworker that refers to my place as "Cheri's Mutual of Omaha". I wouldn't want it any other way! Now I just gotta find a chicken forum too lol
Thank you to all who offered help, but despite all the efforts Dave succommed to an "undefinable, unitentified disease" late saturday night. I buried her today. Ramsey is flourishing, but as much of a blessing as that is, I can't fathom why Dave didn't. They got the same exact care (even the...
She's still pretty small maybe four inches at the most; but HUGE compared to when I forst got her. I didn't do the shower this morning, I gave her half an hour to wake up but she wasn't having the early morning rising today. Ho hum; the bathroom was FREEZING anyway. She's getting a shower...
Holy crap where am I gonna put a garbage can full of dirt in my tiny place?! I can hear the boyfriend now...ugh lol I like the shower idea and will do it tomorrow when I get home from work. She hates it if I spray her directly when misting, so I am sure this will take a while to get used to...