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  1. CKC32327

    My Baby!! My New Chameleon :)

    Yay! New babies are sooo much fun! Hard to tell with the crappy pics, but I think myabe close to 4? What locale is he and where did you get him? I vote Konani :)
  2. CKC32327

    Should I put large rocks on top of the dirt?

    Make sure the rocks are too big for your Cham to eat! As for the ficus, they can be tempermental...everytime I moved mine it would drop just about every leaf, but they always came back!
  3. CKC32327

    Pascal getting big and fat!

    I learned to upload pics! Woot!
  4. CKC32327

    White spots on skin. Problem or just shedding

    uugghhh..gonna go research how to post a pic
  5. CKC32327

    White spots on skin. Problem or just shedding

    dunno what I did last time...hope it works this time
  6. CKC32327

    White spots on skin. Problem or just shedding

    Came home one day and Pascal was sooo shedding! I dunno where the ethereal glow came from, but was too cool.
  7. CKC32327

    Miss Piggy!

    She's soooo cute!!!
  8. CKC32327

    East Coast Reptile Expo.

    LOL Totally. Oh! And Chuck! Save me an Ambanja boy! Don't sell them all!!!
  9. CKC32327

    East Coast Reptile Expo.

    Ohhh!!! She is soooo cute! I remember when my little lady was cute and litte. Now she's a big fat pig! My girlie is "Pascal" so might as well have a girlie "Rango"! I just love those animated movies!
  10. CKC32327


    So where are the pics of the sire? You KNOW we want pics!!!
  11. CKC32327

    Comment by 'CKC32327' in media 'Litlone'

    OMG! That has got to be the CUTEST little thing I have EVER SEEN!
  12. CKC32327

    Please stop me!!

    I think it's awesome I am not the only animal addicted one out there. They own most of my house, my budget and my time! I have a coworker that refers to my place as "Cheri's Mutual of Omaha". I wouldn't want it any other way! Now I just gotta find a chicken forum too lol
  13. CKC32327

    Finally got the Mist King!

    Drainage bucket too?! Whew! I better do some googleing and find out more!
  14. CKC32327

    Finally got the Mist King!

    How large does the Reservoir bucket need to be for the starter mister system? I'm planning on using 2-4 nozzles. MistKings are sooo cool!
  15. CKC32327

    cute commercial with a cham

    These are great! We are such dorks!
  16. CKC32327

    Sick Chameleon Eyes Closed Not Eating X3 days

    Thank you to all who offered help, but despite all the efforts Dave succommed to an "undefinable, unitentified disease" late saturday night. I buried her today. Ramsey is flourishing, but as much of a blessing as that is, I can't fathom why Dave didn't. They got the same exact care (even the...
  17. CKC32327

    Sick Chameleon Eyes Closed Not Eating X3 days

    She's still pretty small maybe four inches at the most; but HUGE compared to when I forst got her. I didn't do the shower this morning, I gave her half an hour to wake up but she wasn't having the early morning rising today. Ho hum; the bathroom was FREEZING anyway. She's getting a shower...
  18. CKC32327

    Sick Chameleon Eyes Closed Not Eating X3 days

    Holy crap where am I gonna put a garbage can full of dirt in my tiny place?! I can hear the boyfriend now...ugh lol I like the shower idea and will do it tomorrow when I get home from work. She hates it if I spray her directly when misting, so I am sure this will take a while to get used to...
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