New Member
I chameleon came wednesday and i haven't named him yet because i want to see his personality before i name him, i was thinking Kaleo (Kay-Loo) or Konani which in hawaiian means bright, and he will be when he's older 
I held him once so i could fix some things in his cage and he didn't stop crawling he crawled up my arm up my sholder on my ear to my head and down my back to my arm again and stopped at my elbow. then he moved down my armpit up my chest and to my neck. I couldn't stop him! it was hard to fix his cage while he did that >.<
You probably can't see in these pictures but he's got red bars and a green blue background with some red speckles on his belly
I've taken some pictures i'm sorry it's not the best of quality my phone broke so the phone i got for loaner is really cheap nd dumb. He's about 4 months old? maybe 5?
Well here's my baby!
I held him once so i could fix some things in his cage and he didn't stop crawling he crawled up my arm up my sholder on my ear to my head and down my back to my arm again and stopped at my elbow. then he moved down my armpit up my chest and to my neck. I couldn't stop him! it was hard to fix his cage while he did that >.<
You probably can't see in these pictures but he's got red bars and a green blue background with some red speckles on his belly
I've taken some pictures i'm sorry it's not the best of quality my phone broke so the phone i got for loaner is really cheap nd dumb. He's about 4 months old? maybe 5?
Well here's my baby!