Hi Jane, welcome to the forum :)
Your female chameleon looks healthy to me. Nice round alert clear eyes. And yep,I'm going to say gravid. Looks like she could lay soon. I used ice cream pails for laying sites when I had a female panther, I think Veileds are a bit bigger, just want to make sure...
Hello everyone, I have the following reptile feeders for sale.
Butter Worms
Wax Worms
Meal Worms
Super Worms
Variety Value Packs
Small Variety Value Pack:
10 Butter worms $3.75
Hi everyone, I need some info on hornworm pupae diapause. I tried google first, but I can't get any more info than what I already know...
I had read piglet's rearing guide. I put some mature horns into dirt to bury and pupate, which I was very successful with. But I forgot about setting up a...
Shouldn't be a problem with the visual barriers in place. I have seen lizards stress when being able to see the snake, the snake doesn't care though lol. Just remember to quarantine your new snake away from your chameleon before keeping them in the same room :)
I have a panther cham who has been having the same issue on and off. I got him end of June, and mid august he started closing one eye, and looked like your chams eye, and would open it when he wanted to as well. He is the perfect picture of health, no signs of infection ever. I freaked out and...
O.M.G. They're hatching right now...I'm doing my happy dance. I may have cried a few tears of joy too lol.
Well I need to go make chow now because I wasn't expecting the darn things to hatch:)
Thank you for the replies. It did seem odd to me that I used the exact same method for hatching and had mixed results.
Nick - You are right about the eggs being old, makes sense. From my first batch of eggs that I ordered in May, the first batch hatching 98%, and then only a few a month...
Hello everyone, I need help figuring out why my silkworms eggs are not hatching. I have followed the instructions on Mulberry Farms website exactly. I've read everything on here 3 times over, even before I started hatching. I started doing this in May of this year, my first batch was perfect...
Yes that's a prolapse. I've dealt with a couple. I hope you can get to a vet. In the meantime, I do see a bit of a wet shine on the organ, use a mix of sugar and warm water and carefully pour it in the organ, this will keep it hydrated and gives a better chance of getting it back in.
When I need a stand I sweet talk my boyfriend lol, he knows how to weld. I've had stands made of square tubing welded together. Painted steel or aluminum so it doesn't rust. To keep cost down, you could hot glue Velcro all the way around the edge, and use a material of your choice to close in...
Yes, still report it. Even if the chameleon has been removed. At least it will be on file so if there is another report made, there is a history on file and will be taken seriously.
It has been in my experience, that when a critter has over eaten they regurgitate, even sometimes when healthy. There are a lot of crickets in that clump. Seeing as you found the cricket clump next to a poop, maybe he gorged on food, went for a poop, and when passing his poop he pushed so hard...
I have a Pet Card, which is through Medi Card Finance, and it is an American company, they cover humans as well. It works like a credit card, can use for any animal, and you just make monthly payments just like a credit card. It's great because of no monthly insurance payments. I've used it at...
Hello, I see that your last post was almost 2 weeks ago. My comments are just my opinion for this case, as I have not had to deal with these kind of issues(with a chameleon anyway) yet.
So, IMO, you have been syringe feeding for a while, I think you should stop now, or at least taper back to...
I wouldn't wait more than a month, at the very least separate the male from the females. I can tell you first hand the effects of having babies together for too long(I took in a female "runt"). She was a slow eater in a group of babies and she had MBD pretty bad, managed to stop it but she was...
You have a 40g tank tipped up on its side, with a screen front...so the lights are sitting on the glass end, which is now the top? Glass filters out all UVB, so your lights are of no benefit if this is where they are placed. Or are the lights inside the tank? That's not good either as it can...
Yes he most definitely needs to see a vet. At least the Neosporin can keep any infection at bay(hopefully) until you get him there(bring a fecal sample to check for parasites as well if you can).
Trace, thanks for linking that other post, I did not see that. I was going off the middle...