I recently made a post about my new veiled chameleon Simon and how he was acting very stressed out! He is alone most of the day since I work 2 jobs and the only time I see him during the day is when I take a mid day break to go check on him and mist him. Today when I went to check on him he still looked stressed out so I decided that I wasn't going to attempt to touch him but I was going to be picking up his waste. He has been pooping normally since I got him (brown with white on it?) But today I not only found that, right next to a normal looking poop I found a bigger/rounder clump! For a second I just thought it was just a bigger waste matter but when I picked it up and looked at it more closely I realized that wasn't the case. I'M NOT SURE WHICH SIDE OF HIM THIS CAME OUT it could be waste or it could be regurgitation. When I pulled the clump apart ( I was curious) I realized that the clump was made out of non-digested crickets!!! This does not sound normal to me at all! Does anyone know what happened? ?? Now I'm really starting to worry about my little guy!